SB Labs

What are you lifting today

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Ditto. I started feeling bad talking about it. I’m gonna not post no more on it. It really is bad for me. You put it right… sickened is a good word.
I’m not quite sure about former monsters, mines there if needed to come on the occasion
It’s crazy how shit from your past can haunt you years and years down the line. I start thinking about things, and then I dwell on them until I completely consumes me, then I get anxiety over it… shit I did almost 30 years ago… and it just fucks me up for days to think about how shitty I was at one time
I sometimes lay down for bed, and in my mind, I replay things that happened over seas, but I I change it so it was a better situation. and that’s how I fall asleep, I can’t stop it, I dwell on it over and over and fuckin over, like it was already said, its sickening.
Yeah I can never fall
Asleep when I lay the brain just gets more active. Thinks of of all the scenarios of things I’ve fucked yo or how I’m going to fuck up in the future. It’s been getting better recently seems the longer I go clean the better it is
That’s a dangerous situation to be in, viz., having enough resources to get whatever is your drug of choice. My career requirements and having three kids effectively forced me to give up everything. It’s only now, with most of my career behind me, grown kids and more resources, that the struggle has become acute again.
It never truly leaves I said probably 2 wks ago that ive been clean 10yr+ and if someone dumped it on a table my DOC I would fuck up its the truth and that’s why I can never put myself anywhere near that position.
Rolled for an hour with 230-240lb animals. Got tapped out 3x.
Dead lift 5x5 up to 80%
Prone leg curl 4x8 building each set
Single leg DB rdl 3x8-10 per leg

Then more conditioning
10 power clean @135
10 burpee
10 toes to bar
Rest 1min
Then… work 6p-8am
You are 100% correct. I am not the brightest bulb on the tree by any means. I should know better but still have that warrior mentality. Jitz actually doesn’t hurt that’s why I’m still training. No quad work in the gym. So I’ve modified everything so that I can train around the injury.
No. Knee is fine. Got choked out and shoulder lock. I gotta protect these old joints. The guys I roll with are really skilled and they k ow I’m an old fuck. So once they pick it up they’ll let it go
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