SB Labs

What are you lifting today

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I have switched from PPL to doing only two muscle groups a day. I am reluctant to use heavy weight and I don’t have enough time to get the all the muscles a good workout.

Today I did chest and triceps. All medium weight with multiple 5 second pauses in each rep really giving the muscles a lot of resistance. Each set to fail. A lot of watching the clock while pausing. Total workout took a little over hour and half.

Pecdeck 4 sets
Dumbbell presses 5 sets
Incline bench machine 5 sets
Skull crushers 4 sets
Reverse tricep curls 5 sets
I’m slowly moving from bro split back to pl split. No need to add mass need to get back to strength gains even if it’s a grind “off” cycle
Yes, I can talk good when needed, but I can also sit in silence, we were in my truck the other day, waiting outside a Labcorp to do blood, I had radio off, and we were sitting like 15 mins,I didn’t make a peep to my wife, so she turned music on and said I dont know how you do it, practice tootsie
@John, it will be late fall/winter, to allow me time to run a strength building training cycle for 12 weeks, and my 10 week peak performance and GPP meet prep training cycle…

I have zero friends, and zero life outside of work… I have a few people I talk to like my buddy that owns my gym, I’ve known him for 20 years… my real friends and I rarely talk any more, life changed, families happened etc… my best friend, aside from my wife, was murdered 16 years ago, shot through the back of the head with a .45 execution style over a fucking girl and some shady shit going on at his place of employment… I never had any siblings, except a half sister that’s younger than two of my daughters, this guy was like my brother and he was a fucking saint… he would have done anything for anybody… after he died, all the rest of us kinda fell out… we talk sparingly, but I haven’t seen any of them in probably 5 years now… I have you guys, you all help me deal with reality when shit gets too hard to handle myself…
That sucks buddy… I mainly hang with my immediate family, which is big, 3 sisters=8 nieces n nephews, I have a hunting buddy, I met like 10 years ago, good dude, who ends up with one of my sisters, doesn’t bother me at all,hes like me,enough said.also the dude I work for I was in jail with, and ended up working for him, also a loyal, ready to go at any moment good dude.
I get a solid burn with it. I pause at just shy of 180 degrees then move it third way pause then two thirds way pause then all the way pause and flex then back down the same way. I do this three to four times without ever letting the tension off and it really makes my pecs burn!!! And it doesn’t fuck with my shoulder!!!
Sounds rough man! You pretty much just spend all your time with family if your not at the gym then?
And work… my wife works a lot of nights though, she works for the state, so I get breaks from her which is nice. Sometimes I enjoy solitude, it’s peaceful
That’s good. As I get older I appreciate a little alone time more and more. When I was younger I never liked being alone. Not sure why. Think maybe it was an insecure thing.
@John i used to Bow Hunt and Ice Fish… I’m going to start bow hunting again, maybe this fall, as well as muzzle load. I went second season shotgun last year with my dad. The only bad part is I only have public land to hunt, so it makes it very interesting trying to scout when every other asshole and their brother are out too
I know how it is,half the land I hunt on is public, so there I just kill everything I can, the other a awesome deal a minimal lease my dad n I have,half the deal is helping the dude work,like on weekends when we can.we are extremely fortunate. Well I will keep on you to make sure you go.
Did your 5 second pauses on incline bench today @Rusty, and holy mother of God, I got a GREAT upper chest workout. Finished it off with 100lb DB pullovers and felt like a monster, all on TRT levels of test and no other compounds right now. Great suggestion!
My dad has 70 acres in north eastern Iowa m, about 2 1/2 hours away m, bud I always feel like a burden when I’m there. My father in law has quite a few acres in north central Iowa, but it’s mostly crop with minimal cover. There’s a lot of public land here around where I live, I don’t mind going out there to hunt, I just hate running into idiots out there. I’ll def be out this fall.
Yeah we run Into people sometimes,but usually dont say much,we do little drives on state land during first week a shotgun, also my bro in law and I do tiny drives to each other with our crossbows.
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