What do you take to help you sleep at night?

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If its trenbolone there are some things you can do but if its other compounds im wondering is it you just can’t sleep your anxious, are you sweating I just need a bit more information and I don’t reccomend melatonin its another hormone.
Here’s what works for me most of the time… silly as it seems. I lay on back as comfortable as i can get. I then meditate about my next training session… visualize every movement… also analyze last training session.

Sometimes i just get up go in the family room and play cards on phone til im exhausted and try again.
Alittle different context, but when I was jacked up on stimulant and needed to sleep or just calm myself down, cold wet washcloth to the forehead. Might just be a subconscious thing though.
Kratom usually does it for me, red maeng da, at 3-5g. EDIT will do it, too, but leaves me a bit groggy in the morning. Milk and melatonin also work pretty well.
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No doubt I just don’t want to reccomend prescription meds I would rather reccomend see your doctor and see what he prescribes because I can see someone just trying to get healthy going to jail because they bought a couple of those from the street and now most pills on the street no matter what they look like are just fentanyl and I definitely don’t want anyone to die of an accidentally overdose just trying to get some sleep.
Its ridiculous that it has to be this way but with srugs just flowing across the border im very worried about everyone and anyone who might try to get something from the street including AAS.

You did nothing wrong brother im just worried
Bigmurph said:
now most pills on the street no matter what they look like are just fentanyl
Wow. I had know idea. I’ve been out of the street scene for decades now. That’s scary!
Yes big warning to everyone and anyone they realized no one wants fet anymore because it kills some users im sure do but this is the new trend of counterfeiting all pharmaceutical street drugs and just putting fet in all of them 4 teenagers died splitting one OC and it was because it was fet no oxy.

Don’t trust anything that doesn’t come from a pharmacy because it is just fet it doesn’t matter what it looks like nowadays
In this vein, I know from my shoulder operation about a decade ago that I am super-sensitive to fentanyl. They gave me a standard dose for the surgery, and I immediately stopped breathing and had to be put on a ventilator. They all told me afterwards: tell anyone who is operating on you NOT to use fentanyl!
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