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What do you take to help you sleep at night?

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Nothing cause I work nights. Worki bf on getting a trazadone script but getting i. With a new doctor down here has been difficult. So right now I guess hgh and big bowl of cereal
cbdmd has a solution they call sleepmd, I’ve used it for years, has me out in an hour… Even while on tren.

I’ve always had issues falling asleep, never so much staying asleep.
I used to be out when I finally fell asleep now I wake constantly probably have the apnea
I was given trazadone before by a doctor. It would knock me out for 2 hours then I’d be wide awake feeling well rested. But also made the world very very mute.
Standard sleep supps work good for me unless im on tren then need some thc gummies, chemix sleep. Tried seroquel a couple times it knocks me out but i feel terrible in the morning
So im not exactly sure what’s causing me not to sleep I take meds also and my average night for over a month has been 4hrs.
Its rough it really messes you up from normal energy to thinking straight.

If its just something that’s happening go see the doctor that’s im doing at the moment to figure out why I take enough meds to drop an elephant but I can’t sleep longer than 4hrs.

Do you have any type of snoring or sleep apnea?

Possibly you might need a sleep study done
Not sleeping is no joke. It’s hell. Every once in in awhile I get messed up from switching from nights to days to nights again and I can be up for 24+. It kind of makes me feel like I’m on drugs (not in a good way). If you can’t sleep because of depression, I work with a guy who had shock therapy done and it helped him with depression and he was able to sleep again. But he said he got anxiety from it. Other than that, Im not much help but I can sympathize and I hope you can get some decent sleep soon.
I didn’t think to mention this. When I stopped smoking and vaping nicotine, it dramatically improved my sleep quality. Also I cannot drink any caffeine 8 hours before I goto bed, even though I’ll be tired af, I will lay in bed having a hard time getting my head to slow down and shut up.

I guess I’ve lived knowing this for so long, I kinda forgot it was once a problem.
Me personally i smoke a bowl about an hour b4 bed. I usually wake up around the clock but when i smoke i wake up once to piss and then back to sleep. It also takes away all the dreams. My minds constantly moving and for ME it works…
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