What goes well with TRT?


I’ve always wondered whats a good addition to use alongside of trt?
I’ve read mast isn’t a bad choice…
I’m also reading provion isn’t a bad choice either??
Thoughts? Suggestions?

Looking to kick up my trt regime a notch, till my next cycle…
I’ve ran mast several times before, usually a good ‘goto’ for me…
But I’ve never used provion.

*I’ve been on trt (200 a week) for the last 3-4 years. .
A cycle to me would be running a higher dose of pretty much anything.
Not looking to ‘cycle’ for another few months or so…(?) Meaning tren and such.

Looking for something to use for a longer duration in a safe/moderate dose.
Dbol, Tbol, or Deca, but I’m old school… I’m sure these guys here can set you up… if it were me, I would up my test until I geared up for a big cycle and save my ai’s and PCT gear…
I’m prescribed TRT, I don’t PCT…
Not sure if upping my test is the route I’d go…
I’m thinking a low dose of mast, perhaps…
But I have heard of people running a low dose of deca as a form of joint help…

*side note: I’ve got a really cool doctor. I can run labs whenever I need.
Just established a baseline last week, going to start hgh as soon as it arrives.
Even at low doses tbol and dbol can only be run short term, you couldn’t use either as replacement therapy without damaging your liver. I cruise at 125mgs a week, I personally think running multiple compounds or high dose “cruising” keeps you from reaching your potential during blast cycles. It wears your receptors out like a strippers pussy.
5 things I believe would fit perfectly but I only recommend using 1 or 2 if one is proviron

Proviron 50mg split ed for as long as you can
Primo 400mg+ per wk no more than 600mg if your primo is legitimate and dosed right
Mast e or p i would start low and work up to a dose that fits you
Npp 300-450 a wk
Decca no more than 200mg a week
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Been running a curse cycle TRT 300 mg / 50 mg Proviron ED / 400 mg Mast E, and 1000 iu’s hcg weekly. I love this curse never been so lean and strong. This is my pre bulk cycle late December (Deca /dbol / Test C / Mast E & Proviron). I don’t PCT just go back on doctor prescribed TRT & HCG.
True, Deca is a good joint lube, but it also kicks up the effect of test a notch by increasing a positive nitrogen balance…
If you’re going to run a tren cycle in a few months, why not save your system the additional stress of a half ass stack…