What goes well with TRT?

Yeah, I get what TRT is and will be on it for life. I guess I asked the question in a confusing manner. Dr. will have me on pellets to keep me around 1,000+ is what he stated.

I basically was wondering how long is an average of staying on TRT (how many weeks), before you can run your next cycle of things??
It used to be as much time off cycle as on cycle, so if you ran a 10 week cycle, you’d cruise for 10 weeks. I don’t know if people still use that as a guideline though.
I’ve read that pellets aren’t the greatest. Something about the absorption rate… maybe?
Dr Nelson Vergel has a bunch of materiel you should read through, good stuff.
Also - https://www.lowtnation.com/use-testosterone-shots-pellets/

If you’re asking as to when you can start cycling after you get the pellets, I would wait a month or so. To ensure your body is effectively utilizing the testosterone.

But like McSwickles stated, time on = time off… If you’re wondering when to cycle again.
That’s why I call mine HRT , instead of TRT. 😀
Hormone Replacement Therapy can be more than just testosterone. Some docs will prescribe testosterone and deca if you push them on it. Say you have bad knee arthritis and you want to add deca. But that’s usually a very progressive doctor. Some you can get to add a little anavar I’ve heard.
I self prescribe whatever my internal doctor thinks is best. 😀
The maximum dose of test and deca a doctor can prescribe legally in the USA is 200mg of each weekly.
That makes some sense, thanks.And yeah my internal doctor use to prescribe lots of goodies… now he just says test and superD.
My friend asked his HRT doc for deca and the doc didn’t even know what it was but said he’d look into it.
Good advice @Bigmurph… Drug seeking is a BIG deal… It’s caused people who truly need pain management to suffer… So be sly and ask the doc for his advice about low t research you’ve done… Casually drop the names of the ‘goodies’ your looking for and slightly mis-pronounce them with a questioning voice like you never heard of them before… It will ‘stroke his ego’ and make him feel important and more receptive to your powers of suggestion… 🤨
Thanks! I’ll have to look more in depth into it. I was taking it on suggestion from him, since he uses pellets, and has shown good results with them, but that could be individualistic. He said that it does vary from person to person on how often you get them replaced, and can range from 4 months, up to 6 based on the activity etc. of the person, and how hard they hit gym/exercise like us.
Some do, some don’t. I like to err on the side of caution and follow this protocol. If labs are off, I will extend it till they look better.
My endo prescribed me deca before. But that was only after trying to give me other drugs for joint pain and inflammation. I told him none of it worked or i had bad sides and then he gave me the script. Take some studies with you showing they worked and as others say play a little stupid and ask the docs opinion.
On this topic, been off everything for 2 months and test is certainly low. Don’t need labs to no it’s low, no sex drive, etc. I did 30 days hcg 5,000 is followed with 50mg clomid Dailey. Thought I would have bounced back by now. Anyone else ever have similar issues? All that being said been in the game 20+ years I was sort of thinking my body may just have quite.
Thanks for the input
I was hoping my body would catch back up but may have to do TRT for life
I took more nolvadex then you can imagine and ran clomiphene at high doses at the beginning and after 12 weeks I believe now and im really low but going to get back on in February.

My bloodwork came back and im finally back in range on everything. I used that Glutathione in the inj form and I was amazed that my lipids were good and a back in range my rbc was just 1 point high.
I’ve never used Novledex before. Doc always just prescribed HCG and clomid. Maybe I’ll give that a try before I go back on. Having shoulder surgery next week so I have plenty of time to wait. Lol