What is a typical cutting cycle look like?

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Would that work Me? I am in construction and play soccer with my kids and do lots of outdoor stuff. But don’t spend a lot of time in the gym. Just middle aged on TRT with a hard time getting back my 29 year old body without hitting gym hard and neglecting normal activities. My goal is to loose about 20 pounds of fat and gain back my young muscles.
1.1 ml of 200 mcg 20/80 blend of prop cyp. Plus 100 iu hcg weekly . plus 30 iu sermoralin daily Been on for two months. Test is at 850 now.
This is a fairly loaded question my friend.

When cutting key components are cardio and diet. But as far as a cycle protocol this varies by user and goal.

Lets take a basic cutting cycle one would say test p, mast p and winstrol for a great low side cycle then a nice finish of anavar to really push bf% down.

But if we are talking pro or advanced 12-16 week pre contest or photoshoot style cycle we are looking at a numerous amount of factors from diet, sodium, workout and cycle compounds including but not limited to test, tren, clen, t3, mast, eq, winstrol, anavar and halo all at different stages and weeks depending on progress.
I’m no expert but I think what your taking now would be enough to get down with just diet and cardio. Add some lifting in there and play with your calories.

Start lifting again too, slow and steady
If your weight isn’t going down cut 1-200 more calories . If you feel like shit add a couple.
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Cutting is all in the diet. Any type of AAS is going to help you hold muscle while cutting. I’ve cut on just about everything. The key is to have small meals every 3 hours, high protein, low fat, low carb. You need your caloric intake to be about 10% below your maintenance calories. I shoot for 3 solid food meals and 3 protein shakes, about 400 calories 6 times a day. Do daily cardio of at least 20-30 minutes. The fat will melt off.
Nothing serious like competitions. Just don’t have time to add more exercise I schedule with my kids and coaching and work. I get plenty of exercise with work and kids. I do a little lifting and will get more into it. My body got so out of shape because my test was at 246 for a long time and I didn’t know it. On test now from doc and is at 850. I’d like to see it go up to 1500 or more for better faster results. I also play soccer at 237 pounds. I get sore joints. I heard deca would be good for both
Bro I swear I’m not an asshole. Now make time, you will appreciate the hell out of it and so will your kids. I did it for similar reasons, but get started. It sucks at first, but then you will feel better in general. There’s no way around it. Thats just reality.
Do it bro
So what’s a good target for my T-levels to maximize my workouts? Also still curious if Deca is a good addition to both increase the t levels and help with the joint pain trying to kill two birds with one stone
1000 ish maybe 1500 get your estrogen checked to. Can cause joint pain a little. But man you gotta get them weights and cardio. No way around it.
Yes Sir!!! Gonna do it!! My estrogen is at 55. Had hip pain for a long time because I played soccer for 26 years. Now still last 8 years just with kids playing. I heard deca helps keep thing moving well. That’s why I ask about it.
Low dose that if you want bro no prob. It’ll help hell there’s trt clinics that ptescribe it even. But get that diet tuned up with good food and hit that gym. Give it 6 weeks tops then tell me how you feel lol. Bet you won’t ever quit
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