What is a typical cutting cycle look like?

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What Sig said. Gear only helps when you have everything else dialed in. If not everyone taking gear would be jacked and ripped but we all know that’s not true

Hard work and gear together is a very powerful combination
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John if it was test, Tren, mast. Would the test be lower than Tren because of water retention and because Tren is so powerful?
I never use more then 300 a week and not that often,and E, I don’t use shirt esters to much and I would run my test at 4-500 which is normal amount for me anyways, but I don’t see why you couldn’t run the test lower then what I said, that’s just me
OK brothers and sisters!! So now I lean on all your expertise. Am going on a low dose of NPP and introducing test e as well as some clen. In addition to my current prop/cyp blend which has my test at 850.

I will go on a lean protein diet with some good carbs like rice but not much.

What is a good starting weekly workout routine. I only have dumbbells from 15 pounds to 50 pounds and the gym is closed. I can rep the 40s ten times without doing cheats. And the 50s six times without cheats. As far as cardio I play soccer three times per week for about hour and half each time, is that sufficient?
I can tell you this for a fact I went through something similar test at 125 I ballooned to over 325 before trt and you want the fat off it’s your food and how you eat it. There is no magic compound you ARE what you eat I work out at 4:30 am cause I have a family a real job and a farm life on top of volunteering on local FD if you want it bad enough you will get up ( it sucks ) weights and cardio count calories weigh out portions meal prep There are many ways to get where you wanna go what works for me may not work for you I have done everything from p90x to body for life and in between. Find what you like Sunday’s meal prep get your kids to help family first and your goals are in sight without any extra gear
As far as clen good luck makes me feel weird AF no thanks I will run for twenty more minutes
Fine work the fuck out. Like really work out man your goals are easy to catch. Change diet, and get after that shit. A good dose of the flu and shits can peel 20 off you. But you’re wanting to be a better man/dad. And that is gonna take some cardio, not just curls. Do you have YouTube? Look at some at home workouts. Lift twice a day.
Ok I will go to the hospital find someone who is sick ask them to spit in my mouth get the flu and shits then work out lol.

I am on the workout track now y’all convinced me. Started this morning. Lunges curls pushups air squats shoulder shrugs. Plan on doing core tonight.

What is the best when taking gear. Heavy weights less reps. More reps lighter weight. Mixing it up day by day?
Hey brother alright so what these guys are trying to tell you but not in the best way is that hormones don’t cut weight so you shouldn’t be taking anything but at the most a dose of testosterone to get you back in range which if your numbers are 850 on your bloodwork your in range but you can increase it a bit but you don’t want to go for a big cycle until you are ready.
You just got started I believe and that’s perfect but there’s not really much for speeding up weight loss. It took me about a year to lose 60lbs before I started my first cycle. I didn’t use testosterone in that year either.
When these guys well atleast most of them are talking about cutting cycles there not talking about losing weight they have probably a pinch of skin that just won’t tighten up so they start a cutting cycle. In all honesty there’s no such thing as a cutting cycle you can run your cals low but you will still grow if you’re working out.
I know that the way compounds are described also is confusing because you read about clenbuterol and ephedrine hcl but those are also for taking off a couple of lbs to get down to a certain weight.
To get to where you want to be is definitely possible but there’s no easy way its all sweat and honestly tears don’t let anyone tell you who has really worked out that they have never shed a tear in the process.
It takes alot and even though you hear most people talk about compounds its really the diet plan that gets everyone where they want to be you have to get into a calorie deficit and I don’t mean starve yourself that won’t work. That will just make you stop because you will feel like shit that’s why everyone stops there diets because there not set up properly for them to lose weight over time they want you to drop 10-15lb quickly so they can take your money but in the long term your body can’t handle the stress.
Keep doing your workouts whatever you are able to do and honestly YouTube does have some good work out stuff for home and if the gyms open up then you can really get going.
Don’t take the npp it will shutdown any natural testosterone levels you have left and it takes a very long time to recover from a nor19. It you take you 2 steps forward and then 3 steps backwards.
Stick with a homemade meal prep program that you know keeps you in a caloric deficit and you can make it fun prep meals for the kids also and they can join in and you won’t even have to cook dinner for them just make the diet and training plan fit your lifestyle and understand its going to take time no matter what it takes alot of time.
Don’t give up on ugmuscle because @Sig516 told you that the flu is a good diet. Wtf @Sig516 brother is seeking help and that’s what were here for we can joke and have fun but let’s do so together while we all make some progress.

Good luck and good gains brother
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