What makes yall tick at your gyms or boxes or what ever

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I think this is jealousy. Why worry with what I say? You said it’s a jealousy issue so I’m saying if it’s anyone who should be jealous it should be them considering half the big guys I know in the gym don’t even work for Starters. Or they got some loser part time job and spend all their time in a gym. Your saying I’m jealous of mirror flexors cuz I’m small. Yet you always get offended when I talk about jobs so with your logic you are just jealous I make more then you at half your age. So no I’m not jealous. I think it’s weird how Every time I post something you are always out to get me just because you weigh more then me and don’t feel like I belong here lol. 😂
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I thought we were all adults here? Lol. Just having a conversation nothing bad going on. However I must say other users say the same things me and Sid have yet receive no comments. Just saying me and him have been targeted since the Get go. I advise any members here to not post any pictures because people will judge you and say you don’t belong here or think their better then you just because they are bigger or fatter or lift more. We are all adults here and shouldn’t be so sensative. Is not a kids forum. Just my 2 cents but respect whatever you wanna do @Bigmurph I like the forum but I’m good either way. I got contacts with sponsors So I’m set regardless 😂
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It is interesting how once I posted pictures in my thread there have been a few posts that have alluded to me being small. I don’t care, I know I aint muscular and that’s why I am here. There does seem to be some sort of mentality where some do think they are more of a man or that they are better than you if they are bigger or stronger. If that is ones definition of a man than I feel sorry for that person. And based upon my experiences most people who exhibit that thought process are making up for some insecurity they have about their manhood such as a weak social status, low income, and possibly a small pecker. I’d rather be a weak stick making over 75k a year and providing a good life for my family than be a grown man mooching off the government or relatives for survival or making the wages of what teenagers typically make. To each their own lol.
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Let me clarify that though… When theres a good painful pump going on… Im not blowing shit… Im grunting that fuckin pain…every rep no… But be dammed if i dont when it burns…
Muscles… Nor money guarantees loyalty… Nor happiness… Idk wtf happened on this thread… mod says chill out getting the last word in isnt even necessary …Shit like this makes me wanna stay off the site and just keep putting money in my sponsors pocket while he puts gear in mine…its why i dont do Facebook in shit… Its a muscle site… Lets run the muscle…
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I’ll take the blame my bad for making people feel they weren’t welcome here.
No hard feelings or anything I’m just letting you know that I get the indirect hints you are trying to make and it is not the first time nor are you the only user here who has done it. But it’s all good like I said no hard feelings whatsoever. I thought this was a place full of grown men but I see the sensitive ones coming in so I’ll just leave it at that. Sorry for the inconvenience fellas 🤷‍♂️😂
That’s why I have a fb tho too, it’s entertainment during my morning glory. Scroll up and read about this jack off who’s mad at this jack off his feelings were hurt by another jack off.
That’s exactly why I have Facebook. It’s entertainment. Talking shit and watching snowflakes get offended is especially amusing.
Hahahaha seriously popping a pimple. Damn. You should’ve asked if you could do it for her. Or take off your shirt and ask if she could go over your back acne and look if any need popped.
Hahahaha. When I’m working slow twitch I use 20 pounds to fail on second half of each set. My kids say I sound like a choo choo train.

What annoys me the most most mostest is when this one particular dumbass guy comes in and puta as much weight on as possible with everything he does and has shit form and slams weights and has had no gains in the last two years. Then he try’s to teach other people how to lift.
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