What music do you train to?

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Ghost is awesome. Their cover of Enter Sandman is great. They’re on my gym playlist along with Upon a Burning Body, Affiance, In Flames and a bunch of random rap music.
Sounds like some of us all listen to some of the same music.

Here’s a couple that I zone out to hitting the heavier sets.

I’m a huge advocate of uninspired training as part of GPP. I mix in some heavy stuff like Pantera, Killswitch, In Flames, etc, but listen to a lot of Elvis, Sinatra, Etta James, shit that really just doesn’t do it for me. If I can’t do it uninspired, I can’t do it. When I still competed though, the day of the meet when it was time to go to volume 10, it was always Amon Amarth and Varg.
I love the heavy stuff. But honestly when I am working strength and pushing heavy weight I listen to shit that speaks to me stuff that gets me emotional!!! I have dropped tears hitting PRs. When I get emotional I get strong as fuck!!! If I put my music on the loud speakers people would probably leave.
Non inspired training is a great concept. If you think about it, there’s a reason we base our training numbers off of our 1RM from a meet minus 10-20%. In theory, if you walk into a gym on a Tuesday afternoon while malnourished and worn down, you will absolutely not be able to train with numbers based off your max which was set in an environment flooded with testosterone and adrenaline floating around mixed with chalk dust, and even throw in the noise of a crowd if you’re hitting a state, national or world record… there’s a reason meet PR’s and Gym PR’s are different. Therefore in training, we keep our internal volume low as to not burn ourselves out on overstimulated training. If I complete a 12 week meet prep cycle, training every day like it’s meet day, by the time I get to the meet my CNS will be shot, as well as all my adrenaline receptors.
Isn’t that why you take deload weeks so as not to burn yourself out and to properly recover?
My whole playlist isn’t heavy or aggressive. I’ve got stuff like the cure and the smiths in there too.

Here’s one that I keep on repeat. I’m a huge fan of her

I do acrually listen to music while training I lose
Focus. Best lifts have been in quit gym just hearing the weights
It’s always on 103.5 in the gym I go to. Classic Rock. I prefer Jelly Roll, Struggle Jennings, or Kevin Gates. Gates Push It gets me Crunk. I listen to more of a southern rock/rap mix
The chain gym i used to go to played billy joel uptown girl every 30 minutes or so…or so it seemed. Talk about getting your rage up!
My favorite is no music. It used to be. I would have to test it out after some years. The old ymca that was probably the best gym around when I was 19 or so. No music just clanking weights and funny shit going on. Especially on Saturday’s with mostly powerliifters. On top of that, had a lee labrada sighting or four, any guest posers, the chiropractor that was editor for muscle and fitness was there for awhile, when he was starting out. And no music. Ernie Franz gym was 2 hours away still in ILLINOIS and there you had some power greats. Even Quads gym had very low background playing. This when guys would drive 2 hours or more once a month to train alongside like Ed coan. Looking back everyone was so cool and loved training.
Yep hearing the weights and people pushing themselves will get you motivated. And I know I’m a sick fuck but nothing got me more hyped than seeing people get injured smashed hands and shit.
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