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What the fuck is everyone doing tonight?

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Man just wondering what ugm is doing this evening? The family and I watched some movies,I put down a bunch of blankets and let them eat 20+$ Worth of candy and fed them pizza for dinner. They had a blast. I remember when my mom would let us do that when we were kids, good memories. The wife is pretty strict with the treats so they had a little free for all !! Lol they are all spun out on sugar right now.
In the office. Just got done with field work. Updating our pricebook, bumping things up. Working on a training program for a entry level guy who starts up Monday. Gotta get my odds and ends finished up before I take off for the wedding/honeymoon mid next week
We took the kids to the neighborhood pool. Reminds me of the movie The Sandlot. Fed them shit from the snackbar for dinner. Chicken fingers, fries and cheeseburgers. They look forward to it all week. Came home did baths and they are crashed out. Now I am enjoying a drink with the bride and will be in bed soon. These times with young kiddos are chaotic but I will miss it when they don’t want to hang out anymore.
I am on call… so anytime ill have to go out and do shit…but im hoping to stream Free Guy and eat some popcorn! Wife will be sleeping

Edit: Free Guy isnt available to stream on my Fave site… So the new Suicide Squad it is!
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Was Wendy Peffercorn there?? I woulda been rocked up if she was!

We went to the gym, most pointless training ever, did absolutely nothing that made sense, I’ll log it in my log… took wifey to work, and now I’m wondering why the fuck my oldest daughter is moving stuff into my house like she lives here again…. 🤔
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