SB Labs

“What They Don’t Tell You” about Primobolan or Methenolone Enanthate

Here’s something they don’t tell you. Primo is hard on the kidneys. I know it’s been classed as a mild drug, it’s mostly because it’s mild on noticeable symptoms.

Primo is amazing because it’s great at nitrogen retention, this is amazing when cutting and keeping gains. But…nitrogen is filtered by the kidneys. One of the things they test your kidneys functions is how well the can filter nitrogen.

The same issue with anavar actually.
200 mg Primo hurts like hell. I had a couple bad shots from it, then one that swelled my ass up so much it looked like I had an implant put in that cheek. Great stuff other than that, it is very dry and lean but not the type of gains I get from good ole deca / Test…