What would you consider high progesterone?

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Got my labs done…
Would you consider .5 progesterone high?
I snipped out some of the other ‘flags’, but everything else looks to be normal.
I’m back on 400mg a week of test only, but will be adding mast soon.
My assumption with the high sgpt levels is because I am back on 400, but would appreciate any input.



No, not really… I’m only on my first shot (Monday 200mg)
It hasn’t been elevated in the past, although my estradiol levels have been high. I have aromasin for that.
I take 10mg once a week to keep it on the lower side. When it’s to high i get bad acne on my back.
Its higher than in range so its considered high watch your estrogen because high estrogen and progesterone can lead to gyno they both can so just keep a watch on both symptoms and markers
Most important question. How do you feel? Remember elevated test levels cause elevated hormone levels in general.
Jumping on caber or ADEX Beacuse they are high isn’t always a good thing to do. Its about where you are physically and mentally 😁
Yeah, definitely something I have kept in the back of my head.
What prescription would you recommend to combat higher progesterone levels?

I’ve mentioned before I have Exemestane/Aromasin 25mg, that I take (i thought 10mg, but it’s 12.5mg) once a week.
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Looking up side effects of higher progesterone levels, found some of the symptoms are relevant to me.
Mostly the feeling of being lethargic in the afternoons, which could be a combo of the E and P levels.
Water rentention, bloating. Never had any issues with gyno, even when I ran massive ‘stacks’.
That’s a good point; higher levels of test, typically mean higher levels of a lot of other hormones.
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Just started on Monday with a 200mg shot.
My last cycle was ended two months ago, but that literally just a 400mg weekly test & var (var at the beginning) for two months or so…
My assumption is these levels have been elevated for some time and with the lab work it was exposed.
Interesting. Do you have pre cycle numbers? I’m curious now on where you were before you started.
I don’t, not as of recent. Slacked on getting regular labs, been going in once a year.
Last results were from a year ago in May of .2 and estrodial levels of 96, which is why i have a script to aromasin now…
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Funny. My bloods came back today showing progesterone 3.0 ng/ml, with the high end of the range being 1.4 ng/ml. I also show prolactin at 23.9 ng/ml, with the high end of the range being 18ng/ml. Finally, my E2 remained at 45. Started Caber at .5mg EOD last week because I felt this coming on (sexual sides, almost instantly cured).
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