What's for dinner this Saturday evening?

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My wife is gonna do a corn salad,smashed potatoes(skins on) and I am goin to do fresh salmon for the wife,a ribeye for myself,and a small piece of London broil for the kid,they most likely won’t finish their animal portion of their dinner so I will properly dispose of it.
I know your diet,and obviously it’s more strict then mine,but what your telling me is,you don’t eat again after that early supper,down yonder by yall…
We are doing Papa John’s pizza with an assortment of shit lol I’m tired of cooking and the wife rarely cooks so it 60$ on pizza and sides hahah hope my guys have a good evening and enjoy your family. This week kicked my ass mentally and physically. My body has been hurting so I haven’t been able to hit the gym all week. Kinda bums me out. We’ll get through it though.
Had pulled pork will have chicken breast layer then third dinner is more pulled pork
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