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When I’m the strongest

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I find the days I want to workout the least mentally, when I force myself I normally feel the strongest?

It’s always this way for me 🤷‍♂️
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Man I swear! Some days after working all day just getting there for my second training session and boom I’m going hard and stronger then fuck
Aas tend to do that when I’m on cycle, I think our bodies Do that bcz its using a lot of energy rebuilding muscle and breaking down food and I’m sure glands and things like that are effected. But yeah when I get motivated to hit the gym on those days I feel great afterwards.
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I generally know when I’m going to be strong: slept well, ate right, timed the pwo meal just right, AAS timed and dosed correctly, and mind straight and eager. Getting it all to fall into place is challenging.
I am the same way. @herrubermensch when I have good sleep and good pwo food and we’ll hydrated and timing with dbol or Godzilla piss and sun is shining and there’s good music. When it all falls together I hit my PRs.
I just can’t call it. Some days Every thing feels heavy but it moves well. Some days everything feels good and I just can’t get it to move.

I’m a westside disciple and using sub-maximal weights gets me very strong. So after a couple of mini cycles (~3 months) I’m usually at my strongest.
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