When should I start and what?

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I am at the point now that I want to get gains, it’s probably only been 6 -7 weeks back at daily workoutS and I’m already 85-90% of where I was pre covid break. The last 10 -15 will be bit more to grind out.

My questions are plenty though.

My thoughts are 500mg test E a week for 12 weeks. Inhibitors on hand as needed, and pct.

As a 40 year old, I would be more than happy to gain 10lbs of muscle. From what I have read that seems low end reasonable for first cycle.

One of the biggest mental set backs I have is the actual pinning, it’s so trivial to you guys, but for me it’s a mental hurdle I have get over 🤷‍♂️.

Right now I’m eating maintenance level and sitting at 185ish, probably 18-20%. When I started lifting at 37-38 I only weighEd 160ish, so my noob gains are over.

Anyway I’m kinda off topic.

All advice and thoughts is welcome to what I should do to maximize my first cycle.
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Refresh my/our memories please…

Previous cycles?


Blood labs… very recent?

500 a week would be a good start.

I’m tagging @JLee in beings he’s spot on with pcting.

As far as pinning… twice a week is recommended. Do you have someone that can do it for you discreetly? If not you gotta do it yourself. You’ll have to find a couple of spots you’re comfortable with… glutes… ventral glute…quads…delts… lats… everyone is different. I personally don’t like my left delt. Wife has to inject delts anyways, i just can’t do it well.

Reaching around and jabbing my ass seems to be the easiest for me but over the years theres scar tissue built up so I rotate and roll on a lacrosse and baseball to break it up.
Keep in mind please… if labs show any anomalies… you might have to post pone for a bit.
I got regular panel not long ago, all my organs and ldl cdl are all great according to the doctor.

So this ones for hormones this time.

Independent lab testing needs to be More accessible up here.

Our socialist health care is almost great, expect for all the parts that suck.
Real name Mesterlone,Its mild steroid that helps free up your test,you can run it the whole cycle, you can find articles on here.
So this will help with estrogen as well, I see And add more free test through sbhg binding.
Seems like something I will definetly consider adding

What would you recommend as a dose for 500mg test?
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