When should I start and what?

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I can’t aspirate… dont have the flexibility or dexterity. Haven’t for years.
Hahah I swear most nurses can use their pinky finger as well as their index finger. I’ve seen some do some crazy shit, should require 3 hands and it’s just their two.
I’m right there with you John. At nearly 40 myself I like long Ester average dosge longer cycles. Running proviron and keeping estrogen in check has allowed me to stay nearly side effect free which is nice.

@Tbgr so if your clean and going first cycle I would cruise on trt permanently post cycle at our age but that’s me. It’s a life long commitment and if your gonna cycle then you gotta be in the lifestyle mentally for the long haul to stay safe and healthy.
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I swear sometimes I feel like a dog chasing his tail trying to get at my glutes and with my busted sausage fingers it’s damn near impossible to hold it and pull back. Definitely a two hand operation!
PCT 40+ will be rough. I was miserable in my 20s during PCT, can’t imagine 40.

I would seriously consider TRT if you really want to be about this life. Otherwise, keep training natty. You aren’t competing to my knowledge, just be healthy and happy. I think at a certain point, you just have to choose if running gear is worth it and how that plays out the rest of your life.

I’m 30 on TRT now, my natural T just can’t recover at this point. I tried after a year of it. This is a life long thing for me. Always needing to get test, I travel a lot as well. I have to pin every week if not 2x a week. I have to keep running blood test and keep a healthy homeostasis because my body can’t anymore. I have some minor kidney issues from gear, I have to watch my diet. This becomes a long term lifestyle. Some good, some bad. I can’t say if it’s something worth it for you or anyone else.

There is also a addictive aspect of gear most bros don’t want to admit to themselves. Once I got on, I never wanted to come off and I always wanted to get back on. It’s the difference between man vs superman for me. I would have gotten myself on TRT if I never ran eventually, but I’m on it now at 30. Thats for the rest of my life.
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Sounds like you have a good plan in place. You’ll get use to the pinning. If your super averse to the big pins you could get away with using an insulin syringe and pinning in low fat areas like the delts or ventroglutes. Just as effective and the needles are so small it may give you some peace of mind. Oil comes out a bit slower but I’ve ran out of pins like end of my last cycle and just said fuck it I’ll just run slin pins the last 4 weeks.
ThNks for the overwhelming response in here.TRt is something I’m willing to commit to. just have to wait and see how this all works out for me. Canadian doctors are not known for getting guys on trt easily. I will have my pre cycle readings, and I will follow up bloods during and post cycle.

Am really searching tinder locally find me a nurse bunny 😂 that will make it easier to transition to pinning myself. Heck if that does t work out for me I will get er done. I will start up a cycle log when it all falls in place.
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