When should I start and what?

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I was wondering about that through it’s mechanism. Will it suppress natural test, or will it just aid into the pct.
So my EDIT list looks like, test e, proviron, clomid, and novaldex…

Am I missing anything that I should have on hand?
You should get some arimidex in the event your estrogen gets high. Get it before you start. You don’t want to find out halfway through your cycle you need it and can’t find it.
You should start two weeks after last injection and consist of:

Wk1 clomiphene 100mgs/Nolvadex 40mgs
Wk2 100/40
Wk3 50/20
Wk4 50/20
This is the standard protocol.

If you want to know “how” it works search PCT in the magnifying glass. There is alot of great write ups if you have the time.
Tbgr said:
My thoughts are 500mg test E a week for 12 weeks. Inhibitors on hand as needed, and pct.
Sounds good I would add proviron and you will really enjoy
Tbgr said:
One of the biggest mental set backs I have is the actual pinning, it’s so trivial to you guys, but for me it’s a mental hurdle I have get over 🤷‍♂️
At the beginning for everyone this is difficult watch the injection videos and research how its done with a sterile protocol.
Alcohol wipe vial
Pull dosage
Change pin
Alcohol swab inj area
Pin and push slowly try not to wiggle or shake
Find an area to start to pin that you feel comfortable doing at first it will be hard because like you said its all mental. Once you do it you will realize it doesn’t hurt you don’t even feel it if done correctly. You will also gain confidence and control just make it a ritual that you follow don’t look at it like a shot.

If you have any specific questions about pct or AI anything just tag me in at @Bigmurph and im happy to help
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Bigmurph said:
try not to wiggle or shake
Haha my hands and fingers are so mauged up, that’s my problem. I have a little routine where i hold the barrel between my pointer and middle finger and push plunger with palm of same hand. Get it right about every 2nd or 3rd time. Hahaha. Who said getting old sucks??!!
I will try and remember to take a pic of how i hold it the next time . Keep in mind I can’t manipulate my fingers that well anymore so this is what works for me.
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I believe @Tbgr was feeling like he was being a weiner not liking to inject but I believe most of us don’t care for it either. Just something we got to do to sustain our lifestyle.
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