SB Labs



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What are your thoughts and experiences with winny? I never seem to get a straight forward answer on this one, I know guys swear it’s the best thing ever and others who absolutely despise. Kinda reminds me of tren as far as the mixed reviews.
I loved it. Was on a cut and strength still was climbing. Hardness is great but did wreck my cholesterol. Bounced back after fine tho.
IMO, inject is better than orals, just for some odd reason I get a predictable effective results at 50 to 100 eod, have done everyday 100mgs too for about 4 weeks, loved it. I have it as probably 4 on top 5 supps.
My experience with winny happened by accident i got var from a src that was really winny. Im sure that there are differences between the inj and oral but they are also similar in many ways.
I took it for 4wks and I new that it definitely wasn’t var my joints hurt so bad it was horrible for me and @KodiakGrrl summed it up the other day when she wrote that winny dries you out and you can get joint damage that can last for life. I stopped taking it once I realized what it actually was. I couldn’t even lift without being in severe pain. If you are going to use it consider running mast prop or enanthate. I would recommend the prop because the enanthate ester I believes takes away from the strength of the compound. Mast can give you the same results with a much better gains to side effect ratio.
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You covered my next question bro, thank you. I’ve always been interested in masteron. Thinking I’ll stack primo and masteron my next cycle
I actually would recommend against it there is really no reason to stack 2 dht compounds even though primo is actually a dhb but that’s a whole different subject.
When creating a stack you want a balance between anabolic and androgens. If you run mast and primo your actually running 2 androgens and you will get severe androgenic side effects.
You also wouldn’t want to run primo and bold or tren and nandrolone. You would want to run nandrolone and mast or primo and nandrolone these combinations will give you a balance between anabolic and androgens
@Bigmurph so would you still recommend mast over winny? I was going to run it (winny 50mg per day, split) with 600mg test e per week but I also have mast e. I’m not a huge fan of orals… Thoughts? I’m really just looking for lean muscle and strength gains. Thanks.