SB Labs

Winter Bulk Just Finished

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I know it’s been a minute since I posted so my previous post was closed. Had to create a new post. But my last post I was starting a winter bulk.

Stats at start:
Age: 42
Weight: 198lbs
Height: 5ft 8.5in

I just finished up and ended at 214lbs morning weight. My food intake was insane for me anyways. Felt stuffed all the time but I stuck to it and worked my butt off even through the holidays. I feel good about the results and what I wanted to accomplish.

Big shout out to Gearchurch and Omega for this one!










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Look exactly like you should. There was a book by negrite Jayde and bill kenedy that was called shredded? They go over in good cotent how you should look at each stage of getting ready for a show. Fun book. you probably can go to 220 with same look. right now its good because you can still pose and see stuff.
I made some good gains, comming off because it takes sometimes weeks until your body is “clean”/ lets say you were doing cyp at 500, deca or even tren LA…whatever. A lot of guys as soon as they are “off” weights go down eating goes away, etc. Any way you personally look at it, 220 would have been an easy hit for you and keep you training hard for a month. As probably unscientific as it is, a little test would do goid for mood etc. I always did a cycle…12 weeks long acting , then add fast acting products for 4 , switch for 4 then off. Clomid 100mg or so for 2 weeks, hcg for 2- weeks , we used to do pro viron , and methyl test test give a last push before being clean for 4 weeks. I still think 12 weeks on 5 off or close is a pretty good wayvto do things you get about 3 weeks of being off . As soon as I started getting tired or the weights started to " feel ," heavier, it would be time time get on again. Even if i didnt compete that year, id get leaner that year anyway. Its like for years i had to do certain exercises. I also found what worked and did it for years. Promise ill stop…220 would be easy for you.
That’s great information. Always looking for that. I was planning on keeping the food intake the same so I will keep pushing. As long as I don’t look soft on the way to 220lbs, I will push for it. Just hoping the old lady doesn’t notice. I told her I would stop at 210lbs but I snuck in the extra 5lbs 😂
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