SB Labs

Women don't like muscle?

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I played soccer through college, and used that as an excuse to skip leg day. It was not too bad while I played, but caught up to me later.
I bet your cardio was insane you guys run around for ever without breaking a sweat My wife’s youngest sister is a goalie now she has so much potential the coach’s all want her but she got a lazy streak a mile wide. She is taller than me and feet are bigger than mine at 12 years old
My experience is all women who are into men really like muscle. Lol
I don’t know if things have changed but man muscle got the deal sealed over and over I don’t believe this at all but great post
Cardio was good, burned about a million calories a week and could eat anything and drink anything I wanted. It was a bit of a challenge to put on muscle though. I think the only thing that helped was those 20 year old T levels. Lol
You look like you got plenty of muscle to me I bet you literally could eat everything in site I know how much I could get away with just doing 15 miles a week and or 5k on weekend. You was eating whole pizzas and kegs of beer
I’m guessing this is a self reporting survey or they just ask in some kind of questionnaire.

The reality is women aren’t going to be honest about what they feel attracted to. I think most of y’all know that. How many times have you met a woman who rationalizes her ideal guy but go out with a moron and complain why there’s no good men out there.
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