Would gear make muscles grow even without training?

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Lol no shit right


Supraphysiologic doses of testosterone, especially when combined with strength training, increase fat-free mass and muscle size and strength in normal men.

I saw that there quads got bigger I don’t know why because the other muscle group wasn’t even close in the no exercise group. Im not sure about this study and what it proves they don’t give the average from before they administered the testosterone.

I appreciate you getting it though I have just lost so much faith in studies because someone is usually paying for a certain outcome.
It would be a waste of gear. I remember years ago I thought I could juice and just hang out and get big while I ate Twinkies lol but it takes some real effort and discipline to get good results. You may get some definition and increased aggression but you aren’t going to see any decent gains. But if you do try it report back to us and let us know how it works out for you.
Yeah I just liked the fact in that study if the just taking test and no training you will see a increase in lean mass and size. I think it’s interesting just in that aspect that nothing’s changed, just additional hormone and no stimulus.

All the rest is pretty yeah no shit. You mean steroids work?!? Haha
Unfortunately no. But do what you can with what you have. Push-ups, squats, etc
Ha ha,well I told my kid we would get a new one when we move,so that will be soon, we got a house just have to do all the bullshit first so hopefully 30-45 days
Mostly anecdotal, like most studies lol. But when I was doing my post-graduate research we tested specifically the Soleus and gastrocnemius muscles in rats. The rats performed typical ADL’s. One group of rats were on massive amounts of test, this group of rats saw an increase in the size and strength of those two muscles, while of course the control group did not. This of course does not take lots of things into account, but if you give someone steroids and change nothing else about their life (if they train continue to train, if they don’t continue to not) gains will be had.
That makes sense @Xoomd if the rats were making gains and NOT working out then people could also do the same, obviously their muscles aren’t growing to much if you aren’t doin nothin
I can’t stand ketosis period I feel like shit look like shit and apparently smell like it too 🙂 I just don’t see the reason to screw your lipids up for a fad I have seen it work but is it ketosis or the fact that the person put some actual effort into diet. We were made to eat carbs so not eating carbs doesn’t sound good to me it’s just carbs were not full of sugar 100s yrs ago I mean hell I can take any person and drop weight without changing diet. Just tell them to fix plate or get like normal then when you get your food cut it in half rake the rest in garbage boom weight loss. Or better yet 10lbs by getting someone to just drink water
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People do t realize that if your work is physical you are exercising technically my job is very I wish I could set at a desk and” google me bitch” all day but as I stated the grace of a wild animal
I’m gonna send you like 25 of them and by the deluxe castle cage with all the amenities for your house warming brother congrats on your house. Hell. I thought it was beautiful where your at now seems peaceful quiet perfect 🙂
That’s just it the Keto diet works the same as any other deficit. Everybody I know that has done has great results until the relapse. Cause that sugar drug is worse than other.
Thanks buddy,it was a beautiful Place,quiet neighborhood,dead end,fireplace,it actual bothers me it dont have a fire place,I will put one in eventually
Oh trust me,motherfuckers on my street live thru Amazon,the wife is one of them.
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