SB Labs

Yellow and red tags on sponsors more information


Staff member
josh said:
Are you okay with ordering from a sponsor whos avatar has a yellow dot next to it?
Let me address this a bit. Because a yellow dot may not always be a quality issue. But can sometimes be a shipping issue. The decision for a yellow dot for those reasons is based on communication with the sponsor. For example, the last person who just got a yellow and red then back green, was his story checked out and member got the product but we had 2 complaints coming in and he hadn’t responded to our message yet. Sometimes we have people from other boards contact us and tell us about X person having issues on X board and we do look into it but need to talk to the sponsor cause some of those boards are notorious with hiding shit or demanding extra payments from sponsors and some pay it, some stand their ground and don’t pay them extra.

So a red tag, do not order from that sponsor. A yellow tag? Maybe ask them what happened before the order and your welcome to PM staff about the tag to verify it and you can make the decision. its your decision either way but a yellow tag is just a warning there are issues with something we are looking into.
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Cn someone tell me again where the list of current sponsors is, and are there some that are red?
Does not paying the rent make you red, or just problems with the gear?

I see the sponsor section to the left, just wondering if that is complete. Is there a red section? Is ape shit no longer with us? How long is rent good for?
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Click the menu button and look at “Groups”. Its different then scammers lists or anything. Not being a sponsor does not automatically turn them red. But we wont leave them green either.
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I really would like to answer these questions but some of the information I don’t feel comfortable posting publicly for security reasons.
If you shoot me a pm id be happy to fully explain how the different colors work and possibly be able to give you a little more information on some of your other questions. Somethings just can’t be discussed though but everything that I can discuss I would be happy to help you with.

Just send me a pm with the questions that you would like answered.
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