I ran it for several months a couple of years ago. I liked it except for the fact that it made me sweat horribly 24/7 while I was on it.
Positives: It didn’t seem to have a detrimental effect on my bloodwork. It didn’t seem to affect my hair. No effect on my libido one way or the other. Hardened me up similar to primo.
Negative: the sweats as I mentioned. Difficult to find the real thing. I ran it between what was supposed to be 200mg and 800mg at times, sweated with any dose. I don’t know how much I ran exactly because I didn’t have it analyzed since I couldn’t find anyone with a reference standard at the time. Primo made me look more 3D, but has a negative impact on my hairline. The biggest negative I ran into was that depending on the lab the PIP could be unbearable. With the International Anabolics DHB a glute injection made it look like I had two butts, seriously. I’ve never had an experience like that before or since. Extremely painful. And the pain lasted for almost 3 weeks.