the CHineses chem guy gave it two thumbs up and a big toothless grin.
Obviously you’ve never taken chemistry or you would know Cayman Chem sells the product to scientists and they are a world wide company providing chemicals. Headquartered in US and locations in Europe as well. With over 150 scientists on staff.
DO THOSE SCIENTIST INCLUDE TRIAD STEROID COOKS,SMUGGLERS AND THE PEOPLE THAT GET THE CAYMENCHEMS TO THE END USER??? Cause its all Cayman Chems right,thats why I am so stupid, I don’t get how Cayman Chems (which is a fairly small company) produces and provides the worlds drugs. I think it is you who have a poor understanding of global trade, chemistry and discussing things without putting on you all knowing asshat.
Cayman Chem is legit, You guys are really busting my balls on my chem degree (I DON"T NOR DO I ASPIRE TO EVER HAVE ONE!) They do not produce the worlds chems they produce some of them. There are hundreds of manufacureres of test and wha thave you that are run by shady Chinese biochem companies. All that black market HGH doesnt come from Caymen LOL
None of our raws come from Caymen they come frome shady Chinabiotech firms standing on the shoulders of companies like Cayment for their synthesis. Cayman has nothing to do with underground clandestine chemistry in a missive scale. You didn’t really think that our BIOCHEM THUGs making raws in China undier Triad and Govt Protections somehow attached to or give a shit about Cayman Chem? Really?