SB Labs

1-testosterone cypionate or DHB better information

Cayman Chem is legit, You guys are really busting my balls on my chem degree (I DON"T NOR DO I ASPIRE TO EVER HAVE ONE!) They fo not produce the worlds chems they produce some of them. There are hundreds of manufacureres of test and whathave you that are run by shady Chinese biochem companies. All that black market HGH doesnt come from Caymen LOL
No Im busting your balls for saying it doesnt exist and only sold by chinese suppliers lol. Of course they are sold by chinese companies as well. But a products market availability is based on need and sales. Plenty of products exist and are never made in a pharmaceutical environment.

Now can some chinese suppliers call it bold cyp and sell something else? Of course they can.
I agree…I couldn’t believe some or the things I’ve read the last few days. I guess I was hoping and praying that money didn’t surpass everything. I definitely don’t understand business that’s for sure!!!😭
the CHineses chem guy gave it two thumbs up and a big toothless grin.
Obviously you’ve never taken chemistry or you would know Cayman Chem sells the product to scientists and they are a world wide company providing chemicals. Headquartered in US and locations in Europe as well. With over 150 scientists on staff.

DO THOSE SCIENTIST INCLUDE TRIAD STEROID COOKS,SMUGGLERS AND THE PEOPLE THAT GET THE CAYMENCHEMS TO THE END USER??? Cause its all Cayman Chems right,thats why I am so stupid, I don’t get how Cayman Chems (which is a fairly small company) produces and provides the worlds drugs. I think it is you who have a poor understanding of global trade, chemistry and discussing things without putting on you all knowing asshat.

Cayman Chem is legit, You guys are really busting my balls on my chem degree (I DON"T NOR DO I ASPIRE TO EVER HAVE ONE!) They do not produce the worlds chems they produce some of them. There are hundreds of manufacureres of test and wha thave you that are run by shady Chinese biochem companies. All that black market HGH doesnt come from Caymen LOL

None of our raws come from Caymen they come frome shady Chinabiotech firms standing on the shoulders of companies like Cayment for their synthesis. Cayman has nothing to do with underground clandestine chemistry in a missive scale. You didn’t really think that our BIOCHEM THUGs making raws in China undier Triad and Govt Protections somehow attached to or give a shit about Cayman Chem? Really?
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jymbo said:
None of our raws come from Caymen they come frome shady Chinabiotech firms standing on the shoulders of companies like Cayment for their synthesis. Cayman has nothing to do with underground clandestine chemistry in a missive scale. You didn’t really think that our BIOCHEM THUGs making raws in China undier Triad and Govt Protections somehow attached to or give a shit about Cayman Chem? Really?
Now your trying to redirect from the original argument you had about the product not existing which was proven wrong. Of course the chinese will make things that the market depends on it. Its up to each person to decide what they trust and dont trust. But you cant say they dont work when bodybuilders everywhere use china made raws and have achieved their size.
jymbo said:
DO THOSE SCIENTIST INCLUDE TRIAD STEROID COOKS,SMUGGLERS AND THE PEOPLE THAT GET THE CAYMENCHEMS TO THE END USER??? Cause its all Cayman Chems right,thats why I am so stupid, I don’t get how Cayman Chems (which is a fairly small company) produces and provides the worlds drugs. I think it is you who have a poor understanding of global trade, chemistry and discussing things without putting on you all knowing asshat.
No you dumbass. First of all you cant even spell Cayman correctly. Second their staff is alot larger and have just in scientists over 150+. All of those guys smarter then you are. You say you do everything better and for free so what type of career has that netted you? What papers or products have you created?
pureraws is likwly from a biotech faciltiy in hubei that will make whatevery you contract them to make in half ton fubs for cheap. Synthing test and steroids is cheaper hat it is to buy it from a manufacturer and the chinese have all the gear and chems they need.

Im done arguing, you attacked my education which I pride myself on not having paid for and this is not going anywhere constructive.
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People like you know everything, I’m sure Phizer and Geneeza got all their raws from the same guy. A straight shooting PHD from Chinas Top University. ITs all UP and UP I"M sure, no diversion, just a bunch of good guys at Kaymant making top notch steroids to sell to Chinese criminal syndicages to break down into vials for us so they can make millions on millions in organized crime money.


Does all the Fenanyl come from Cayman too?
Unfortunately, most “raws” come from China, vaccines from India…of course other places. If anyone remembers 10 years or so ago, contaminated heparin caused 100 deaths. It was found to be done deliberately by the Chinese biotech firm. For profit. I am not trying to be smart I just remember this. Anything change nope.
Yes…and Baxter never “inspected” the company in china. Wait and see what happens with the great idea of e cigs and vapes. 2 years ago, Dr. Gottlieb stated paraphrased…if we could get half of the adults to switch to this nicotine delivery vs combustible tobacco a huge dent in cancer deaths would occur. Now, more teens are addicted to nicotine and are moving to regular cigs. So, flavors are gonna be gone and they even want to get rid of menthol cigs. Why? Black lives matter. That’s basically what he said yesterday at the chasing cancer symposium(televised yesterday at least) The FDA especially that piece of shit is a complete disaster. He’s a failed CEO of a defunct drug company…ill stop.