12 Weeks Out ------>>>> NPC National Championshi

You should be right there for the Masters. I think you win, but we know you can only control yourself. Theres always “the one guy” except I think if you bring the package 2 years ago or even last year, the class of 20 competitors. The you’ll be the guy to ruin someones day. each class winner gets to turn pro and if your 2nd but Your guy wins the overall you get a shot to turn pro…I might be off. The Pittsburgh Masters Nationals does it that way. I remember when you had to win the overall at the USA. 1 pro. JJ MArsh got that first on in 88 or 89. very few even 35 plus have your condition and legs!
Bingo. Your ahead of schedule in my book. You’ve won a big show already and you should be thinking that way. watch that overtraining. You don’t want to have that “tired , no pop when you pose” look. You have everything on point it looks like. You should be listening to a trusted coach ,friend that knows what bbing is, etc. I know you know that maybe you need some color still. Any competitor knows unless you dark like bertil fox, or even andrew jacked. LOL tiny details!I used to drop to heavy when they added the super hvy class. I felt “too small” and flat until Friday night , then every hour was like wow, I mean 10 weeks was almost the start date for my diet 35-50 lbs . I know there’s a lot more safety and knowledge now. Its been like 13 years , no almost 15 years since my last show. You on point. Is it Middle? I don’t think welterweight was around too long. I used to start hard and see where I was at 6 weeks. But you gotta have that change when you hit you poses. You now what I mean. Like Kad1 said go with your best shots, a hamstring ain’t gonna matter much ,its when you turn around to the back and front which for you is Money, I would not worry about the Left ham? Just press it up against your your other leg as much as you can. It will be good. MbtJr had it right too. I always thought it was easier to take off some spillover than to not be able to fill out until Sunday! I hate getting old…I gotta live through you guys!
Thanks my man. I’m back with Mountian dog. My coach learned directly under john for years so we are bringing that dry full look john had me at especially for nationals in 19. I always appreciate your support.
                      ******* Update *******

                         8 Weeks & 4 Days
Gonna go ahead and say this in advance, sorry for the hair… lol!!!

Ok so I’ve been working on the posing, still doing 2 a days in order to get the glutes and the hammies right. The hammies are doing what they need to do and the glutes are also starting to form and get a bit shapely. (I need more though)

Like when ya boy Will Ferrell said “More Cow-bell!!!” I’m saying “More Glute Form!!!

Evogen SuperDry will be on its way in the next couple days, gonna give it a try for a week to see if I like it or not. I’ve heard great things about it, so we’ll see, as I’ll review it unless one of you hard-chargers have already tried it. If so please let me know your thoughts.

As far as Hurricane Ian, we lost power for maybe 4 days but had a generator so food was ok, and so were we.

Felt like I was back in Afghanistan, as it got pretty hot/sticky, and all I could do was read or police call…

(police call is picking up trash or debris around your base during deployment)

This is what happens if your area is dead and you aren’t laying waste to enemy fighters. You do dumb shit like that… but I digress apologies…

Shingles on house were ok, trees didn’t fall over, just a transformer was down due to powerline pole falling so the entire block was out. I’m in Central Florida though, the gulf (western peninsula) was the area of Florida that was severely impacted.

I appreciate you all more than you know, I’m very happy to have a community where I be transparent and not be judged. Thank you all, as it mean’s alot. 🙂

Ok, let’s proceed, 8 weeks and 4 days out.

(extremely flat looking in 1st pose, relaxed position)














You guys be safe and be blessed.



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Are those pics, 12 weeks out? If so , you and your coach must have a plan, to Grow “into the show” this might be outdated. Lots of middle and lightheavies would get in really good shape and let the body and adrenals “rest” and fill out 2weeks out until show. If your depleted ,then i didnt read that. But, you arent popping like before. Looking a bit tired. Bbers will know what im saying . it is not a bad thing if you planning for it. You dont wanna be like wow ! I look way better on monday!!! 2 days after. You pretty fuckin hard now. This is where all the “bro science” sometime works.

No, the most recent pics are 8 weeks and 4 days.

Glutes still need to tighten up a bit. The last pics are me being a little depleted as I did fasted cardio and then went into posing practice. Was really surprised as I didn’t feel weak after fasted cardio.

These pics which I’m about to post were of today.

On a positive note, the sartorius is becoming more visible… which makes my front double bicep and latt spread look a little better. (at least the lower half)

Another positive note, I’m 37 years young today…

Blessed to be able to push and go after goals another year. Most importantly the ability to watch these kids get older. (16 yr old & 1 yr old on the 18th of this month)

@DirtyDaver ---->>> Thank you for the bday wish my brother
















Semper Kill!!
Happy birthday my brother!!!

You’re just getting wound up! Your best days are still to come I promise.

I too love children. They’re our most precious investment for the future.

The most cherished things in my life are my children and now…grandchildren.
Show is tomorrow morning!!!

Nervous wreck…

Here are pics from my house this morning with no food around 8:15 am…














Just found out there is going to be 25 middle-weights at the show tomorrow.

Gonna be a big turn out.

I’ll know where I placed by the time pre-judging is over with. I’ll be sure to let you all know, as the show starts at 8:00 am.

These are pics I have from the hotel room… I’m not necessarily happy with what I see so far, I’m hoping the drying process can get me to a better place as far as separation.




Felt I looked dryer and better this morning…

Just really nervous.

Ya’ll be blessed, we’ll see what happens and no matter, we made it to the NPC Championship.
