SB Labs

1st time TRENNING in…

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Late to this thread, but my docs know I ain’t dumb and that if I say something, I have a rationale behind it. Conversely, they know that if they spout some traditional line of thinking, they better be prepared to defend it in a non-patronizing “I’m a doctor, you’re not” sort of way or I will go in for the rhetorical kill. What results is the kind of doctor/patient interaction that should characterize them all: mutual respect and rational debate.

Good example is once I defended Kratom use over Advil to my doctor in part on the ground that it is organic. My doc immediately said: “Into committing the naturalistic fallacy these days, huh?” Touche. I moved on to my next basis for defending Kratom use with a nod.
Yep. One can make it clear that you’re not good at suffering fools without being an asshole. Smart docs pick up on that and will reason with you rather than react defensively.
I’ve started a new cycle that actually is on the low end for me: 350mg Tren, 1050mg Test Prop, and 350mg Mast Prop. Two weeks in, and no need for AI, no need for Caber, no ED, no sides other than occasional night sweats, but nothing like a higher dose of Tren elicits. I’m going to run this until I have a side, then back off the doses until the side goes away and continue. So far, I’m really liking it.
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I know. It seems excessive. But my body loves it. When I do a 48 hour stint at my shop and miss my regular injection time, I feel it.
Exactly. I’ve given up objective comparisons. I just know what works for me, and so long as my bloods stay good and I have no sides, no reason to lower it and feel worse. I AM probably going to start Telmisartan and be consistent with my glutathione injections going forward. And I do still do moderate GH five days week (4-5 iu). Just honing in on a consistent regimen that works.
Oh its fine. I sleep better and seem to recover quicker. I know from experience that if I want the full bang from gh, I need to do three 4-5iu injections ED. But damn, that’s expensive, and it DOES make you groggy right after a shot for a bit, and I can’t be that way, so now I only do it at night.
I own a hotshot company and a few years ago I got a box of black top meditropes and I was taking 3 m-f and I got so tired I had to stop because I would fall asleep while driving and my finger joints hurt so dam bad. Slept so good, hair, nails & skin looked good after just a month.
For the hgh? That seems to be standard protocol I don’t k ow why but it’s what they do for replacement and what not. Also what that piece of shit optum said to do. His knowledge was good but fuck him
GH hormone is a negative feedback loop. So all it’s really doing is depriving the body of GH for 2 days. It’s not long enough for production to restart. It’s just like here’s two days with no GH in your system. Have fun.

I haven’t looked in depth at the rationale but unless I’m missing something it makes more sense to run lower iu for 7 days a week than higher for 5.
5days a week for me because of the location of my house and where I was on the weekend. I’ve read people would do 5 or 6 days to make it last longer. I did it because on the weekends I was not at home and had no way to store it.
Only thing I can find is for insulin sensitivity. Fuck I guess I may just do 3-4 iu Ed going forward maybe
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