SB Labs

1st time TRENNING in…

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The en vogue train of thought that is that you want and need your E2 to rise to keep the balance with your anabolic use…. AIs seem to be very bad for our system short and long term as they “rob” from everything not just the parts we wish to influence.

If you’re willing to push your anabolic use, you ought to be willing to push your Estro with it.

Test low/estrogen low = test high/estro high
(They need to move within reason in unison)

At least the popular thought this year haha.
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Been popular for a minute man! Keep up with timessssss lol 2017 the endocrine society set the upper physiological limit for estrogen at 200-300, and they have been saying the ratio is what’s important for years before that.

Bro science has told us that high estrogen will kill us- heart attack, stroke etc and I fell for it for a long time. Bloat, water retention and gyno also get purely blamed on estro and the science says otherwise.

If the above were true, all women would have huge boobs, look chubby, and die young. But they don’t.

What we do know for absolute certainty is the prolonged use of an AI will most certainly cause bone density loss, increase risk of heart attack and stroke.
2017… right on.

I guess it takes a while for the science to filter down to the mass via you tube talking heads. Hell, doctors still prescribe it like pez!

So the irony is a layman knows more than the doctors and this information has been out since 2017!! that’s food for thought.
😂😂😂 imagine having to work with them on a daily basis… and being required to depend on them to do your job… when half the time you want to tell them their head is far up their ass they are actually impeding patient care.

It definitely takes a minute to trickle down to the AAS world.hell there’s still people advocating for nandrolone only cycles out there. I’m not surprised by the ideas that have stuck hard in peoples minds without any actual data to back it up.
I can’t speak too harshly as I too have often been guilty of simply regurgitating something someone told me one time at the place with the thing and never done my own research on what they said. But we play a dangerous game… so we have to mitigate risk and reduce harm as much as possible, and that means squashing bro science when we see it.
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Hahaha you’re not that far off. Just last night a doctor did some dumb shit and I just looked her in the eyes and said… If that’s the orders you want, put them in and I’m going to take a walk and I’ll do them when I get back 😂😂
Sooooo I’m over in Tx and it’s pin day!!! I got my Tren but forgot Test! Have no fucking clue how I forgot that. I do know I left it out on my counter so maybe my cleaning lady will be nice enough to put it up in my safe lol.

Anyhow has anyone ever taken Tren as a stand-alone? I took 100mg of test 4 days ago so I know I’ll be okay for another week but I was just wondering if anyone has before.
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