SB Labs

1st time TRENNING in…

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I used to be of the same mind, but upshot is my body needs a break from the GH on a regular basis. It does wear me out to do it non-stop. Also, I notice that my joints seems a little more susceptible to injury if I run it continuously. I’m super sensitive to my shoulder issues, and I can tell if they are going to cooperate or not inside of five minutes into a workout. If I’m on GH continuously for two weeks, I start to have many more “uncooperative” days. 5 on/2 off gets me the benefits I want (better sleep, faster recovery, leaning out a bit) without the downsides.

Have no idea what the science is behind this, but experientially, I can’t deny it. The only thing I can compare it to is when I was a growing teenager. About 4:00 every day, I had to sleep. No choice. No matter how much sleep I had that night or what level of activity, at 4:00 I would almost pass out. Until dinner. Same feeling now if I take GH continuously. I just get worn out.
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So what I’m hearing… “I’m taking such a high dose that I’m experiencing lots of unwanted side effects, so I take two days off and leave my body without a hormone that’s essential, so I can continue taking a high dose that gives me unwanted side effects”

Why not lower the dose and take it 7 days a week?

That’s like saying I’m going to run test or tren or any other compound at a dose that creates unwanted side effects and that affects your health and daily routine and then stopping until it clears to get ride of the side effects… and then… starting again…. Oh. Thats blast and cruise… 😂😂😂

While my point is sincere, my tone is sarcastic. You obviously get to make your choices, and you know your body.

Just food for thought.
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I think a big fella like you would see the health benefits from it. Low risk. No crazy spike. But you can’t eat 3-5000-7000 cals a day for long and not expect the ole pancreas to need some help.
I believe my caloric intake contributed to my type 2… I was putting away the groceries for years straight. That and probably genetics…runs rampant on dads side.
Yeah lots of fats in my family no beetus so should have no issues their but why not give the Jody a little help maybe start with 10 units before first meal Ed
I’ve never experienced it either haven’t done tren much but A or E I’ve done cycles with both never coughed at all I get like pins and needles sometimes after I inject tho I fucking hate that it’ll go across my whole body
That’s strange, the weirdest side effect I’ve had with any compound while pinning was on just test. I pinned my lat and had a ache in my shoulder for hours after but that’s only happened once.
Yeah I remember asking about it on here and nobody knew. It’s never happened since and that was my first run with gear so it could have been virgin muscle or poor technique.
Interesting. I’m only doing 4-5iu at night each day, and I’ve never thought of that as a high dose. But ok. I’ll half it and run it seven days a week and see if that is better. Always willing to experiment.
I have a few questions, number one is if you take Trinh will it boost your total and free testosterone level if you go get lab work done? I had some lab work done on Decka and at just 150 mg of deck and 200 mg of test my total serum level was 2200 mg/dL so I’m assuming that tren would likely do the same

Number to is if I’m taking 100 mg twice a week roughly how many weeks will it take me to start feeling it and for it to saturate my system? I’m assuming that the half-life is roughly around seven days?

I have some Tren from Watson that I popped the top on and have been using for the past two weeks, I don’t really feel much at all but again I’m only taking about 100 mg. So because I’m questioning the quality because I’ve never used it before I went ahead yesterday and placed a what we will call emergency order of tren from flash just in case and he was able to make it happen within a day even for an order much smaller than I’m used to placing with him. I’m already fearing his potency whenever I cycle into his
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