SB Labs

6'3" 280..need to eat alot to lose weight

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Ok buddy no biggy. Diet is such a large percentage of this lifestyle that if you buckle down for 6 months or so… I promise you’ll see extraordinary results.

My recommendation is to just track your macros for a couple of weeks with eating as you have been. Don’t cut or add anything… just go about your business except track every morsel you stuff in your cake hole.

While your doing that go online and find one of the many calculators that will give you your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). There’s several that are free and will even include a chart where you can pick your activity level. This will all give you the base amount of calories your body needs to maintain its current state (weight/performance).

I would also like you to find an app to help you track your macros. There’s many free ones. I like my fitness pal. I do NOT like to have them suggest what I need to intake or plan out my meals. I’m the big daddy in my world and prefer to control this myself. Simply use the app to track what you intake. For example… I’m a diabetic with goals of lowering my a1c, losing fat AND putting on lean muscle mass. My fitness pal has my macros exactly flip flopped… but I don’t care. Like I said I only ise it for tracking purposes… I don’t need “suggestions”. I’ll post up here on UGM when I need to know something.

After a couple of weeks of tracking exactly what you stuff in your face you’ll have a real good idea of what you’re starting with.

To lose fat you’re going to have to put yourself into a caloric deficit (I loathe those words). Remember your BMR…start there and reduce calories. I would start with carbs and fats. Leave the protein alone. You don’t have to go crazy… start with lets say lopping off 200 calories. See how you feel and adjust.

You’re going to have to put in some work too. Maybe push pull legs split with some sort of activity on every single day… go for a 10 min walk.
This can all be done. It might take a couple months to get into the swing of things… habit of entering your nutrition for every meal. Then figuring out what works best for your body and what doesn’t.

I will also suggest starting a “members log”. It’s good for accountability and tracking your progress.

It also gives visibility of your routine to other members. This works both ways. We can all learn from you AND you can learn from us.
Brother just to let you know im bookmarking this for tomorrow im on Sunday but I try to take the day but tomorrow I will jump on and dig into this thread @Poppy is doing amazing helping he is legitimate.
Just a little background you have an enormous frame and that’s really good for guys like us you start lifting and eating a proper diet put in the time it took me a whole year to lose 60lbs when I started again about 8yrs ago now you wouldn’t recognize the pictures from then until now I look forward to you running a log it doesn’t even have to be anything special you can read my log and its very sad but will be an amazing comeback soon enough I believe 100% that if you stick with it hold yourself accountable and really want it there’s no goal that you can’t accomplish and my brother you can change your body into a very solid muscular frame and you will be huge a very good huge.

I look forward to checking this out tomorrow
Something is definitely awry metabolically. I would be begin the process of finding an endocrinologist. Which I know is hard to do in Canada, but I believe that’s where the issue is.

Either way, gotta start exercising somewhere. Walk 10 min after meals or 3 times a day Is a great place to start.
Capzper said:
I was eating 700-900 calories per day… not from trying to lose weight just not hungry
This is concerning why not hungry can you describe is it can’t eat or just don’t?
I myself am having stomach issues
Capzper said:
i never was tested for thyroid issues i do know my mother had issues and not sure if genetic.
This can definitely be genetic especially from mothers side. I would definitely get checked for hyperthyroidism.
Capzper said:
It all started with my right kidney failing (2015) and i was wearing a bag, stopped eating and couldn’t walk more than 2-3 feet without severe pain, for 8 months i went from 240 to 330
Here is the catalyst is there any residual issues still happening from this event?
Kidney issues can definitely cause bloating in your body because you eill hold water do you believe that there’s a chance that everything leads right back to this issue?
I would get checked out for this and your thyroid this to me is definitely a medical issue somewhere causing multiple symptoms of no hunger, weight gain and bloating.
I believe that a doctor is definitely needed to intervene and figure this out with blood work and examination possibly scans.
Capzper said:
I lost total of 48 pounds in 3 months… the oddness of it i stopped boot camp workouts 1 month in due to lack of drive and energy but stayed on the higher caloric diet.
This is a very positive thing it took me a year to lose 60lbs. I believe that it fits with the mystery though of what’s actually happening and how you can gain weight here but not eat and lose weight here but have to diet. Its a very hard situation to understand I believe that it has to be something medical.
Capzper said:
natural test was at a 4…
Extremely concerning this could show another serious medical issue if your total testosterone is only 4? That’s really bad that almost didn’t even show up on the test. The range I assume is American and that means 4 is non existent for testosterone levels.

Let me know if you have any specific questions im happy to help brother @Capzper
@Bigmurph thanks for the questions!
Im on the phone at work so i hope i get it all answered
  1. its a hunger thing… I don’t ever feel hungry…but when i do eat dinner im ravenous yet i get full a few bites in.
    I never was a big eater.
  2. i had blood work recently kidney and liver levels were of no concern to the doctor on call. Since then they set me up with a specialist on the 10th on august and i go tomorrow for more blood work. I was doing really well getting used to eating alot more…but when i gave up the Habit of eating…finding it hard to get back into it.
3)not sure about test numbers…but on the labs it shows
8 to 26 being normal. I have long suspected low test
So i have self treated with test e. After 3 week of 125 to 200 x2 per week…i seem to feel normal again. With proper pct and ample times inbetween to try and save what i have.
Capzper said:
3)not sure about test numbers…but on the labs it shows
8 to 26 being normal. I have long suspected low test
So this is a different range than other tests I was very confused normally we see usa blood work I wish all the testing was uniform across the medical community.
4 is still really low so I believe that TRT might help but first a specialist is great that you’re going to see him he can hopefully figure this out for you and then we can get you on a track to making gains because you can pack on alot of muscle.

If you injected testosterone your test and HPTA system are going to shutdown possibly you shouldn’t have done that until seeing the specialist and you need to get a trt protocol in place just inj could easily make things much worse.
Those no good canucks think they are European event speaking French in some areas jk. All in good jest I think 4 is probably around 220 or so
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