SB Labs

A day in the life of me

Putting together my next run and it’s gonna be a fun one.

20 weeks
Week 1-20: EQ 400mg
Week 4-20: Test Cyp 800mg (Trt dose for first 4 weeks of EQ
Week 1-5, 15-20: Tbol 40mg/day
Week 1-4, 9-12, 16-20: 30mcg IGF-1 PWO
Week 1-20+: HGH 4iu split 2iu AM 2iu PWO
Week 16-20: MENT 30mg/day

Aromasin and HCG on hand to be used as needed.

Continue with bulk.
3800 calories to 4200 calories. 1.8g/lb protein, 50g or less fats, the remainder will be combination of high and low glycemic carbs. Intraworkout shakes and PWO shakes of Karbolyn, Creatine, BCAAs, Glutamine, EAAs. Protein shakes will be Whey Isolate pre-workout and Whey Hydrolyzed PWO. All shakes will only be consumed on workout days. Non workout days, food will be in their place.
Training will be a combination of high volume and strength training. I plan to implement some new training styles and methods. Splits will be PUSH, PULL, LEGS, REPEAT to start and I’ll reassess after 4 weeks to see where my primary progression was and shift the workouts to bring up anything weaker or lagging after that point.

Bloods next week, @PHD secret weapon for 4 weeks. Bloods again, then blast off.

So there it is.
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Smashed through a leg workout while training my ole lady today.

Bike for 10 minutes
Kickout drop sets
Hamstring Curl pyramids
Leg Press drop sets
Calf Raises

Full of blood showing almost no definition. Walked out like I’ve been riding a
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Berserker made a really valid point to me the other day and it has me thinking now. If I’m not stepping on stage or making a living off my physique then why risk the dangers that come with the use of slin? I know I’m a hard headed individual but maybe I should step back and take a look at myself and my future
That is exactly the mindset I have right now, though my goal is to step on stage. I am well aware I can do it with out touching slin. Berserker made a valid point as usual bro. Sometimes we need to hear the harsh reality from other’s to acknowledge it.
I’ll be dead honest @Raphael3636 and @Islandswole. PHD told me he didn’t want me to use slin and I also talked for quite awhile with the wife about it. She also gave me plenty of reasons not to use it and even went as far as saying if PHD doesn’t want you to use it, you probably shouldn’t lol. I’m a hard headed mf’er too and I was set on doing it eventually but ultimately i believe in Chaos Theory and I believe that I should heed my own advice and mitigate my risks and not take unnecessary risks. I even plan to one day compete on stage and I currently make money off of my physique because no one wants to pay a shitty looking trainer lol but I’m still not going to use it because I promised the wife I wouldn’t.
Please let me know how it works for you, I’ve been having a reoccurring case of wrist and elbow tendinitis which has been taking a toll on my grip strength, and pressing movements. Been doing rehab movements which typically helps, but not this time around.
I took one a few hours ago and that “swollen” feeling through my brachials and brachioradialis has already subsided. Its still sore but it is noticeably different already.
I’ve only taken the one pill but so far no noticeable side effects. I guess most common is elevated blood pressure, dizziness or drowsiness. I haven’t had any of those.