SB Labs

Advice on supplements…

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Military Vet
Historically I’ve run a dozen plus cycles and been on TRT for a few years. Dr. has me at 360mg a week- love this MFer!

I’ve never run over a gram of any combination of supplements together. I’ve used Test in all form, Tren, Deca and NPP…orals…. Blah blah….

The current plan is week 1-16
MWF 200mg Test C/150 mg Deca.
Abombs /TNE pre workout on hard days.

Weeks 16-20 MWF Tren A 100mg, Deca 150 a week. Test C 200mg MWF or drop the test down? That is over a gram. I’ve always been a fan of lower doses cycles. Looking for thoughts?

Goals are 1.
2. Size- love to sit at 210 lean at 5’7” Again. 4. Mobility and reasonable cardio for an old man.
Anti E on hand but I haven’t needed it it years. Strangely as I’ve aged my “extreme” reactions to gyno- sore nipples, lactate… seem to lessen over the years. 10 years ago 500mg of T a week would have required an anti E. Today I can run 600 a week with no issues. Any thoughts on that?

In the process of putting a training plan together. Something between pure 3-4 move powerlifts, bodybuilding, and the 5x5 movement.

My schedule lets me work my splits in 10 day blocks which I found really helpful. Love to hear all your splits and recommendations on supplements.

It’s a pretty basic cycle. Not high at all imo. You’ll be fine. Just always make sure to do good bloodwork before and during your cycle.

Taking an anti e isn’t just to prevent gyno. It’s to keep your estrogen levels under control. Too high of estrogen in males will cause other issues you want to prevent.
My estrogen got out of check recently. I was using an old bottle and had to switch. But the fatigue hit me and I knew something was off. Got it tested and sure enough. Switched to a different supplier and bottle I had and back in check and feeling great again. Redid labs a few days later and fine. I had gyno surgery years ago so no way to even tell from that.


Just some other things that can go off when your estrogen is out of control.
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Anytime I feel off, make a change or every few months if not. Right now my kidneys been hurting past few days but bloodwork looks good. So tomorrow when I wake up ill run and get a urine sample in to check more things. Just to be on safe side.
TG said:
Anytime I feel off, make a change or every few months if not
That’s good advice. Baseline labs on straight up trt and mid cycle to see how your inner workings are doing. Then again after you’re done.

Although I don’t cycle anymore…at least not officially and I get labs very regularly for other things.
Exactly. Got my test results today on the kidneys and while it’s high it’s all within range so nothing to worry about.

Since I got my new package in and additions I’ll test again in two weeks everything and document it. I’m lucky that tests here are cheap so it’s almost a hobby now lol. Like the tests done today were $8 so why not.
Protein in urine a bit too high, or just off a bit overall on kidney functions??

I go back and forth with it being off a bit, but being on some supplements, Telmisartan, etc. not for an extended period, I am hoping it stays within normal limits.

I’ve had the kidney labs go off from too many energy drinks, slightly dehydrated, and pushing it to hard with lifting & HIIT Cardio. Took about 2-3 days off from everything to rest, hydrate, etc. and all was good. You’d think after years of labs, my dumb ass would remember this before each time I go in for bloods. 😂
Overall on functions. I am on a lot of caffeine and energy powder drink. Usually doesn’t affect to much but when busy during day and night I need a few.
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BBSQ5 said:
Took about 2-3 days off from everything to rest, hydrate, etc. and all was good. You’d think after years of labs, my dumb ass would remember this before each time I go in for bloods.
Haha you’re amongst good company my friend
Take care of that renal function! Diet cranberry juice seems to help me.
Your e2 is high as fuck bc your test is high as fuck. They are a ratio. Estrogen is cardiac, renal, and neuro protective. Your estrogen should NEVER be in range if your test is out of range. In reality you should let your estrogen run as high as possible without side effects.
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