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Another day of diet and training

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Poppy said:
tater tots
A true weakness of mine. With lots of sugary ketchup. Yum.

I had my usual breakfast: three eggs, bacon, pancakes with chocolate chips, coffee and a protein shake.

Bagel with almond butter, banana, and a Redbull PWO.

Fourth solid workout in a row today, hitting chest for the second time this week, this time with emphasis on the lower chest. Declines and cable push-downs were my best today. Feeling lean @215 lbs. Still aiming for 210lbs.@10%BF by year end.
That sounds great @Dmomuchole,you made a decision,and stuck with it,I’m pretty good at that to,and all those thought process you go thru,and change your mind,then change it back it’s hard,but you stuck will it,because you know what needs to be done,I would have had a thought process,talk to others,but overall I’ve learned to listen to some of the voices in my head,telling me this is wrong,or this is a decision that I can feel resonating thru my head and body,cause I know it’s right and needs to be done.i commend you sticking to your choice buddy.
Thank you @John and @Poppy needed you guys to tell me that yesterday. Bcz I would feel weak and tell myself maybe it will be different and I’d put myself in harm’s way and my kids in an unhealthy environment, and I’d be put in the same position. There’s lots of positive things I have done to change my mental state and be positive and stay in harmony with reality and the most important thing is I didn’t hurt anyone or act out. The old me would of hurt that guy, instead I told him his behavior was inappropriate and he owned it and I told him I appreciate that lol, and my partner was honest that she initiated it when she knew it was inappropriate, so I was able to make an informed decision without thinking I was crazy or overreacting I know why she did it bcz I lack the ability to be vulnerable and show emotions and our interest are different. I do love her and I want her to be happy and I feel if she loved me she would never put me in those situations Most important thing is I didn’t hurt anyone and I’m thinking of my kids, the old me would have beat the living fuck out of that guy and I’d be in a cell RN. As men we forget that men are capable of killing one another with our bare hands especially if we are jacked up on gear and big as fuck like @Dirtnasty lol. Thank you guys, all of you. I’m putting my shit out there for another guy that may encounter this situation, and you guys showed me WEcan be vulnerable on here and WE help and support our brothers especially in a time of need. WE can, I can’t.
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Just out of curiosity, what anti-depressant works so well for you? I don’t currently and fortunately have any acute depression issues. I’m almost prescription med free…I was put on benzos awhile back and that was the worst to get off of (side tangent as that isn’t an antidepressant). Essentially was forced as my doc retired and all the replacements would not follow my prior regimen which at that time was over 5-6 years.
Good morning my brothers!

It’s been a lot of classes, I’ve sat in a cell and lost everything including the last 8.5 years of my 10 year old daughters life bcz I acted the other way. Most important thing I didn’t us drugs or alcohol this time, and I wanted to bad. Could you imagine if if threw a bottle of alcohol in there? Ticking time bomb🧨 I haven’t drank in about 8-9 years and I’m a mean drunk lol
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Good for you. Winning the battle over alcohol and drugs is a HUGE step, and 8-9 years sober is spectacular. Great that you recognize how much being sober has benefitted you in your most recent situation. Keep it up, brother.
Absolutely brother, I appreciate that. It’s easy to forget sometimes. Lol Alcohol is a dangerous drug. It’s crazy how it can be overlooked. I think a lot of people can handle it responsibly but then there’s people like me lol
How weed always makes
Me paranoid nowadays. Never understood why. And your doing amazing job staying sober through all this bro. Seriously. I am so proud of you!!
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