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Another Word Of Caution From An Old Man

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Military Vet
“Dad you weren’t perfect” A quote from my (now 30 something) children…when I was in the middle of one of my many epic tirades/lectures/blocks of instruction about life’s consequences and making good decisions.

I just had another chunk cut off one of my ears. Still waiting on whether it’s cancer or not. I go to the dermatologist annually for check ups and every year something gets burned/froze/cut off of me.

The doc has told me many times that most of this damage is from 30 years or so ago. I remember back in the 60’s and 70’s…the phrase having a “healthy tan”. I couldn’t even begin to guess how many times I’ve been sunburned or the thousands of hours I’ve been outside working civilian/military in the straight up blistering sun without the knowledge I have now.

I’m not trying to be preachy to you guys but please take care of your skin NOW. Indiscretions in your 20’s and 30’s can lead to unpleasant consequences in your 50’s and beyond.

Oh and my answer back to my children is always…”I’ve hosed up just about everything in my life once, sometimes twice…I’m sharing the consequences of what can happen if you make this (fill in the blank) decision”.
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Man you are absolutely correct! I roofed since I was 15 and I’m dark so barely ever get sun burned but everyone always told me to wear sun screen and I never listens til about a year ago. I work outside still and I def wear it.
From my readings… if you’re “tan” it’s too late…you’ve gotten too much sun.

I’m the worst about all of it. I wear a wide brimmed hat outside in summer now.
Truer words have never been spoken!!!

I’m curious what this Melanotan ll is going to our bodies!

My kids had baseball practice Saturday, my oldest practiced from 915 to 11 and my twins practiced from 1215 to 2… we had a cold front move in early Saturday morning so it was about 35 to 40° all day. The sun was out shining its ass off. We got home later that evening and I jumped all three of them‘s ass because I thought they were letting the dog lick them in the face because their faces were red.

I didn’t realize till I looked in the mirror that the sun got us all pretty good.

Hell I remember the year before last that me and my girlfriend went skiing in Telluride Colorado and my face got burnt bad.

At 41 years old I’m starting to see some wrinkles where they were not wrinkles and some cracks here and there. I end up going to see one of my friends who is an aesthetician and she gave me a facial called micro derm abrasion and wow if you’ve never had a facial before you need to go get a microderm abrasion. It’s crazy what she pulled off of my face and what it looked like after she was done. I mean I know you’re supposed to moisturize your face and your body but I didn’t realize it was that big of a deal until she showed me. Now I try to exfoliate once or twice a week and force myself to put lotion on when I get out the shower. I never thought I would be this concerned about my skin but here I am 41 years old trying not to look 40 lol. Your skin is the largest organ on your body we got to take care of that too

i got a bad infection on my leg due to cracked dry skin…let the nastiness right in.

My doc told me most boys learn to shave while most girls learn to moisturize… needless to say i try and lotion up at least twice a week now.
Ha ha and if I had a dollar for every time on a outside job I had someone over the age of 60 tell me I need to put a shirt on or use some of their old ass 150 sun screen is rich.
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From last summer
There’s 2 people that need a lot of sunscreen. Babies and senior citizens. 😂 I agree. Been going to the dermatologist every month now for the last year getting pre cancerous spots cut off. 0800 today a matter of fact. So far I’m 8 for 8 benign. 😂 sunscreen is a must. Or be my age getting chunks of skin cut off once a month. 😂
Be gotten third degree burns from Goning to pool day on Sunday after three day gin and coke bender. I was a oike a snake for 3 months
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Sand the spots off with orbital sander. Saves time and keeps the skin smooth for years to come.
Should have posted these before. Pics are before and after removal. Still waiting on results.

Whew. Great to hear. I need to go have a dermatologist take a gander at all of my spots. When I was young and on Tetracycline for my skin, it made me super sun sensitive. So of course, I would take a double dose and go sit in the Texas sun for an hour and get scalded. Again and again. Made for a world class dark tan, but I was sure it would come back to kill me one day. Fortunately for me, I have olive-tinted and somewhat dark skin naturally, so I so far have avoided any maladies as a result of my stupid youth. And now, I rarely if ever get sunburned and never like I did when I was young. That said, I try to keep an eye on any spots that change because you never know.
That’s great news! 💪
I’m glad it was benign.

When I first saw the before pic I thought you had a Safire piercing like Binance, out to pull those sexy college ladies.
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