Any truth/experience with sight injection growth?

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I recently ask about pinning with insulin pinz and was very happy to know in low doses it’s good to go! In my research I’ve noticed a lot of athletes claim larger gains in site injection. Anyone have any input or thoughts?
I brought this subject a while ago. I think the medical and personal experience is no. It does not. Now the physiological effects that it works may be another question. I had a buddy who swore by it. He pinned calves. 😣. I tried that once. And no matter how much growth it would have caused, the pain wasn’t worth it.
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I would start injects in left calf immediately cause it’s pretty much gone do to ankle surgery
I have no experience with site injection, I have followed a couple protocols on other boards and know that there is a safe and effective method to administer site enchantment compounds, but it’s a very advanced process that should only be done with help/guidance by an experienced coach/trainer/mentor. I think we typically steer away from the subject here at UGM because we have such a broad range of experiences here and there’s a great potential for less experienced people to harm themselves.
Thank you guys for your in site and experience, have a friend that also swears by it with pectoral sure inj. Sounds like a reach to me! Thanks again!
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Simple fact that wherever you inject you can do a blood test and it is in your blood. From the blood it binds to the receptors throughout your body (some you want and some you don’t). It is possible a few ng could bind to local muscle receptors it seems unlikely. There are many people who inject only one location and I’ve not seen abnormally large muscles in those cases.
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Site injections cause localized swelling that compounds over time when done progressively. Here’s the thing, if done properly it looks great, but if done for years it leads to scar tissue and hard lumps due to forcing the tissue to remain extremely swollen. The worst scenario is muscle necrosis. I did daily arms injections for years because my arms sucked. My arms looked incredible but after stopping I’m now left with knots in the tissue and I have lost tissue from site injection abuse. Like most things in life, in moderation it’s a good thing. When overdone it’s a bad thing. My friend who is competing in the USA as a heavy weight asked me if it was okay to site inject his arms. I told him look what it did to me. If you do it too often you’ll destroy your arms. He does it once a week and it’s looks great. I told him be very careful to not over inflame the tissue so as to not cause hard lumps that will kill the tissue. Nassar used to hang out at my friend’s house all the time. He said all of the top pros do site injections. When you inject deep into the tissue it pushes the muscle up and out. It looks great when done properly. You guys may remember though that Nassar put too much oil in his rear delt and got an infection that caused scar tissue. My friend injected proscar into Nassar’s delt but it didn’t heal.
Not unless you use synthol which it makes you look fake. If site injection where true my shoulders would be bigger than bowling balls lol.
I’ve only heard this really practiced with real hgh. Saw a video on it somewhere but basically if doses were divided up and spread around an injured sight like some joint did it concentrate the effects of the meds some.
I believe things like IGF does work. It’s been used for local Tendon and ligament recovery. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work for muscles tissues as well.

All synthol contains is mct oil, benzoyl alcohol, and silica. It’s nothing special. It’s a slow releasing oil. Many sponsors make their AAS with mct oil. My glutes looked like volleyballs why I put tren in them daily. Delts too. The site swelling keeps increasing if injection frequency is greater than the reduction of swelling in the tissue. Is it permanent? No. But if it’s done regularly the muscle keeps increasing in size. But like I said before, eventually it will lead to scar tissue and possible muscle necrosis. If the site injections are less frequent than the time it takes for the swelling to return to normal then it won’t cause site growth.

Also, it’s not synthol that looks fake, it’s ADE. Again, synthol is just a slow releasing medium chain triglyceride, with a minute amount of silica. ADE is permanent and gives you that ridiculous look many Brazilian wannabes have. If you have enough money to do PMMA via a cosmetic surgeon, like Rich Piana did, you can get permanent growth that looks pretty good. He spent a lot of money down in TJ regularly with a surgeon. A friend of mine looked into it. It was $4,000-$6,000 per muscle application.
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Great post! Had friend loose his whole left glute from untreated abscess shooting 3cc of T400 back in the day-
You could feel the heat off of it across the room!
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