SB Labs

Muscle Redness and Soreness at Injection Site

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I would seriously reconsider using AAS. The amount of stress and anxiety you place on yourself to me isn’t worth it. I deal with anxiety every day along with depression. I’m on a few meds to take the edge off, buuuut, if I’m doing something that amplifies my issues. I tend to steer away from them. War movies. And real violence in movies. (I mean realistic type) I tend to stay away from as I’ve gotten older. It’s really not worth your health to live in that level. Trust me. I was the “fuck that. I’ll man up” guy. But the older I get the harder it is to “man up” why the 22 a day in the US is usually an older crowd. It becomes harder to manage as we age. Just my advice my friend.
I’ve been on depression/anxiety meds for about 6 years and mostly have things under control. I tend to be able to manage it for the most part but I also can overreact to situations like this which is a good point. I’ve been taking it into consideration when doing AAS and selecting compounds which is why I’ve been doing just test at the moment as I don’t feel like it has had any effect on my mental health.
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Just one of those spots that I can’t do. It always gives me pip. I tried it but just hurts too much.
Ended up going to the UC and got in and out of there in 30 minutes and they were cool. The doc prescribed me 10 days of doxycycline. Probably going to throw that vial out just to be safe and give it a few days to clear up before I pin again
Just remember brother everything has to be wiped with alcohol
The vial
Your inj spot
New pin after you pull oil
Then commit no in and out
I also in legs and glutes I use a band-aid over the injection years back someone passed away from bacteria off pulling up there shorts or pants and passed away not everyone does this but if you’re in dirty clothing becareful

You got this brother any specific questions let me know
I shake and fiddle with it so much with my mauged up digits… if it didn’t hurt I would assume it aint in. Hahaha
That was kind of what I was thinking. Nothing else I did deviated from what I’ve done every other time and I’m always very thorough in wiping everything down
I was that way at first. Then found my sweet spot that has very little pip. Maybe I should try a lat again. (But I’m scared. 😳🤣)
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My first quad shot had me hobbled up a couple days… (It didn’t help I pinned them a couple hours later did legs) 🤣
I did the exact same thing. Then walked around NYC going to see the old night of the champions show
My first lat pin went good a couple of weeks ago but I didn’t put much volume (50) in and it was only cyp.
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Read through and not sure if I saw anybody ask if you have tried different ester
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