Anyone else’s have acne problems


Pinnacle training and nutrition/MOD
Staff member
Morning peeps. So not sure how many others struggle with acne while
In gear but I certainly do. Can’t tell you how many trips to the doc I’ve made and how much I’ve spent in washes, creams and pills. Here is something I found works really well.
Dawn dish soap, that’s it! I use dawn 2x a day on a back washer and it has helped a lot. Hopefully it helps someone else. Anyone have any other tricks?
Dawn gets rid of a lot of things. Also the best pet wash to use as it kills fleas better then anything on the market. Something to do with the degreaser in the soap.

I used to just go to sauna and shower immediately. Do this a few times back and forth and clears up everything for me.
I have heard that dawn helps it really removes the oils that can lead to acne.
My preferred route is sysilic acid 2% liquid that I use on rounds but so much more also facemasks cleansers muds and so on my acne is always a problem for me and its s bit embracing at my age to have a neck full of acne.
Charcoal products real charcoal products are very helpful in my opinion also.

Having a backwasher is a must have while on cycle because I get really bad bacne but if I control my estrogen and take care of my skin no problems really its only when I have high estrogen levels.
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Still having issues? How long have you been off? Ive actually been off just under 5wks myself. I have just cleared up just a couple of pimples here and there.
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I get acne bad while on gear. I’ve tried all the above mentioned remedies with the exception of dawn. I had high hopes for accutane but for me at least, the side effects were worse than I could handle. Definitely going to try dawn tho.
Me also I didn’t have a single bit of acne until I started to run gear again.
Accutane side effects are very bad for me atleast but it completely cleared my acne for years.
That blows, I been working on a huge Industrial roof on and off past few weeks and it’s fucking hot, but one shower gets me clean afterwork