SB Labs

Apparently silence is golden

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Military Vet
Ok since its just to dam quiet in here I will start some something, first off hi @Rusty.
Now, my boss n I have a few estimates to go do, no real work today, and were getting more snow, was out on the ice yesterday, and I was halfway burying my auger thru the ice to drill a hole, we got like 17 inches on that lake and that’s a lot for us.
My breakfast was, 6 hard boiled eggs no yolks, 4 toast, no butter, banana, water, coffee, I will eat again soon, yogurt, grapes,a bagel plain as fuck, not toasted, not flavored.When we return home, I will,bring in wood(cardio) and do tris,skull crushers, kick backs,diamond push ups.Not sure what I’m having for lunch, or dinner
No work for us around here today either. It’s absolutely pouring the rain. Believe I’ll eat all day and smash some weights this evening. So far I’ve had 3 meals. First meal was 2 packs of Kodiak Cakes Chocolate chip oatmeal, second meal was a Jimmy Dean’s Bacon,Egg, Cheese, and potatoes breakfast bowl, and third breakfast was a BLT with two fried eggs with a honey bun just to make me feel better about not working.
I’ve been up since 4:00am. Tonight’s workout is upper strength. I’ll hit bent over rows, pull ups, flat bench, dips, shoulder press, curls, and tricep extensions.
Been up working since 4. Telework from house. Breakfast was cold oatmeal concoction wife makes … 4 servings of egg whites and 2 scoops protein powder. I got a call in conference/meeting at 1030. I’ll hit the gym (home) after that.

Been raining here for bout a month seems. No rain this past weekend but it’s raining now.
Hi @John, also @Rusty… work today, but I’m just babysitting insulators and concrete guys. Easy boring day that will probably involve some naps. Haven’t eaten yet, breakfast in an hour 4 egg whites + 3 whole eggs, 2 slices bacon, 54 g of PB Chocolate Cheerios… mid day will be 7 oz of chicken, 45 g sour cream, 45 g salsa, 85 g lettuce, 28 g shredded cheese, 1/2 avocado and 3 tortillas… fuck I’m hungry now.

Worked on my fireplace all weekend… hopefully I’ll have it done this coming weekend
This General Mills makes all the Betty Crocker Cookies… they have 55 gallon drums full of PB, and 64 cubic foot pallets full of chocolate chips… talk about fat kid hell
Heck yeah…it’s one of the things I’m not allowed to eat but treat myself every so often. Warm honey bun and coffee!
Morning I’ve eaten 4 tarts leftover slice of meats pizza 3 eggs 3 sausages glas of milk and chcugged to waters
I’m addicted to grapes,did you know they make cotton candy flavored grape, who woulda thought
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