Arimistane as an AI while on test

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Hey guys, new to the forum

I’m about to start my first cycle of 500mg/week test e, and was thinking of using arimistane as an AI during this. Does anybody have experience with this? I’m not sure if it will be as good as something like aromasin.

I’ll also have raloxifene on hand for pct, as well as potential gyno flare ups

Edit: I’m 5’10", 26 years old, 175lbs
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I’m assuming you are experienced with sarms. I wouldn’t trust it. Look into other options personally when I first used sarms I got arimistane and it did nothing but make my back hurt.
Also better with age height and weight experience would be great
@JMan first off welcome!

Now looking into this you jump right in to tge world of AAS vs starting with sarms. So my personal recommendation would be a standard AI like arimidex at .25mg 2x weekly just a precaution. Then given your age i truly want to see you do a true standard pct.

This would encompass HCG, Clomid, nolvadex and a OTC test booster. This will bounce you back nicely given your age.

Best as always and stay safe and do it the right way.
I’m with @Optumpharma on this.
Get bloodwork is my thing. Before starting. During. And after. That way you know what your body is doing. That is the Only way to know for sure.

I have never taking “Sarms” so I can’t really say much there. But Optum has great advice.
Finishing up a test only cycle myself. In my opinion it’s not worth it to just blindly start taking an AI until you get bloods. I adjusted mid cycle and have been taking 10mg nolva eod just for piece of mind and has 0 sides. Taking Adex or aromasin when not needed can really crash your estrogen and have you feeling like a bag of shit. Enjoy the cycle the bro hope you crush it!
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