SB Labs

Arms fall asleep when lying down

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Yes, and when I say it, I’m reminding myself out loud, as much as anyone, I need reminders as often as possible.
Ha ha yeah, luckily I’m a shave my head 3x a week dude since the military
Haha I wish I could commit. The wife loves my hair. And I’ve hair brain surgery, plus a bunch of head lacerations so if I shave it, I’ll look like Frankenstein.
Well then, no shaving for you, it’s a lot of work and I change it up, huntin season beard,others, random mustache, goatee whatever the fuck, almost never clean shaven though
Just Ed upped money to 75 a day will see if any difference in hair happens
My daughter has septo optic displaysia she can’t do anything. Just bed ridden. She was born that way so she doesn’t know any better. Her brain is not fully formed mostly for motor skills and sight. I can’t imagine having normal function and then it’s gone like her. To her it’s normal. Is that why you became a neuro RN
It was definitely scary! I had some fantastic docs though.

It’s definitely part of it! Amidst the chaos it’s definitely a good reminder that there is a human being in the bed and not just a sick puzzle. It’s easy to lose sight of that, mainly as a defense mechanism.
My wife has that, she has debated surgery, but it hasn’t gotten to the point where she has lost all motor skills.

I can’t remember the name of the condition, but her body doesn’t absorb potassium well, when it gets really low, it’s scary. Muscle spasms, her speech gets all messed up, and uncontrollable bladder.
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I definitely wouldn’t recommend the surgery unless it’s absolutely necessary. Recovery is a bitch.

Dang brother. That’s rough. Does she just have to constantly supplement with potassium?
They don’t supplement her till she has issues, I told her to take a tab everyday but no one listens to me!!!
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