SB Labs

Arms fall asleep when lying down

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Another day for deload. Kids made me get out a couple times so got a little shoulder and arm workout. Had a lot of fun watching the wipeouts. Had some pretty good ones tried uploading the video of kids flying in the air tumbling but files are too big.
Thought a family man like yourself would like that. Deload days are a great opportunity to do something fun with the family with the extra time
Reminds me of how fun it is We got a big Mabel and another weird ass tube plus a bunch of knee boards and skees got a Supra wake boat but haven’t been out and really did anything but ride around getting to old to do it. Rode the jet skis a few times this year cause my boy
The difference is your using muscle isolation when sitting down with a back rest. Also the lower weight will not engage your primary muscles till you have exausted your secondary muscles slowing not muscle fibers to engage.
That’s what the consensus was. Either that or some people did like how it made them feel so they stopped altogether.

I do notice when I am running Tren now it hardly ever happens. It’s because water retention pinches your nerves. Or cuts off circulation. Before I was running NPP. Which doesn’t retain a lot of water but it does some.
What’s your dosage because you could split your dose or lower your dose if sides are effecting you badly.
I have started to just sleep on my back I was never able to in the past but once I started waking up to pins and needles all the time I went to sleeping on my back and it has helped took awhile to get used to though.
Look into a new mattress as well. Those foam beds or tempurpedic mattresses are notoriously bad for problems. At least for me. I own hybrid. No more arm problems as well. You should change out a mattress every 10 years max and that’s if you are flipping it every year or rotating it and flipping.
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