SB Labs

Arms or legs? To improve first

Similar to @Makimaki02, are you exercising by bicycle for the benefit of cardio or to gain more muscle in the legs? It would help us to know the different reasons that you are exercising on the bicycle. Moreover, once we know that then we can modify an exercise plan. Like @Kunt mentioned, working out legs by squats, lunges, deadlifts, leg extensions, you would gain muscle in your legs in a much greater rate than if only by exercising by bicycle, yet you would sacrifice the cardio component.
Have you incorporated any of the recommendations shared with you regarding improving your arms or legs? It would be wonderful to get an update.
If you are a beginner into lifting you need to hit everything. You want to be ashtetic looking and I’m sorry fellas but every woman I’ve been with love my big legs lol so yes big quads do pay off lol.
Honestly just go for asthetics. Hit each muscle group with the same intensity. Doesn’t matter if you start the week with quads or end it with quads. Just as long as you get them in. Little hint though if you do legs at end of the week be prepared for sore legs during the weekend. Keep killing it guys and great responses. Look forward to hearing results
Why one or the other? They both need attention and to be worked. Too often people concentrate on what their strongest areas area and favor those areas in their workouts. Leading to other muscle groups being neglected.
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Just to piggyback on the leg comment - yup, and aside from the stereotype that men are ASS-kinda guys… trust me, women are more obsessed with a great ass if you have one. Squat, squat, squat.
Given that arms can be trained every 2-3 days and legs (big muscle groups) every 4-5 days, i see no need to prioritize one over the other. Every muscle you are training is the priority, is the focus of each set and each rep.