Back Acne problems/remedies?

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Does anyone get back acne from just Test? If I add Mast or Var it gets a bit worse. Anyone have any remedies for this? Its strange, I never really had issues with any sort of acne, even in puberty, but in 2009 I hurt my back pretty bad an ended up having surgery in 12 and have pretty much had issues since. Once I started test it got worse. Just curious if you guys have dealt with this and if anything makes it better?
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I went so far as to take accutane back in the day. I don’t recommend it. Acne happens for me when: test to estrogen ratio is high. For instance if I’m running a lot of androgenic compounds and my e2 goes too low I get acne. Test doesn’t even have to be that high. Not much you can do about this, except have a really clean diet. Even acne washes don’t do much.

When I have high test and high estrogen it’s zit city

Low test high estrogen beautiful skin idk lol

Worst bacne I ever had was off test tren and dbol together, talk about a fucking eruption! It was crazy, bleeding under my shirt.


My $.02
Also maybe just try lowering the dose. Even just 175-200test with a bottle of anavar can take you pretty damn far.
I don’t get back acne but my chin goes crazy with the shit. Usually never have any acne at all but my whole chin is covered right now 🥴 getting bloods back soon so should figure out the issue then.
My back doesn’t break out so much in summer months regardless of what I’m running. I figure because of the shirtless working around the yard thing in the sun. Winter time is bad…wifey has a hay day popping zits.
I’ve only gotten bacne when using Abomb’s really also it seemed to be worse when I dropped my estro too much I don’t get it
Rusty said:
I agree with @Tug. Clean diet helps. I’ve never gotten rid of it but some people swear by Nuetrogena body wash with a long handle brush in shower and witch hazel before bed. It helps keep it a bay at best for me.
I have the scrub and the brush, did not know about the witch hazlel. I will try it.
High estrogen actually works against having acne. So I keep my estrogen a little high and now I rarely get a pimple on my face this cycle, last time it was bad and I tried everything.

Now Optum is no longer around but he suggested using witch hazel, and a salicylic acid acne wash and I do this daily/ religiously and I rarely get pimples.its not going to start working immediately but it should start to work by the second week good luck.
Here are some theories/facts easily found online pertaining to estrogen and acne.

Without high estrogen , androgens increase sebum production, which leads to increased pore clogging and a habitable environment for P. acnes. Other theories suggest that hormonal acne might be caused by a deficiency or imbalance of progesterone to estrogen ratios (4)
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thank you for that D. I do not manage my estrogen, but perhaps its low. I am going to get some labs soon so this may reveal something. Its not that bad right now but adding mast or var kicks it up.
I hear you man I had to cut my last cycle short bcz it was so bad. If you end up trying that out let us know how it works for you. Sounds like @Rusty gave you the same suggestion, so I’d definitely try it.
Only acne I get is on my Mellon. Fucking painful acne. I just drink lots of water and scrub my bald head. It makes it go away quicker. But I don’t have any real remedy. I do notice it only happens when I am on heavy doses.
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I use witch hazel. Started using it this cycle and it does seem to help. It doesn’t cure it but it’s nowhere near as bad as I’ve had it in the past
I should add for me I was accutane as a youth and that was probably mistake for a kid with mental issues but I thought it would help. Turns out no matter what I will always nitpick my appearance
Neutrogena body wash completely cleared up my most recent attack of bacne, which was pretty bad after I added in the Mast. Haven’t had it like that in 20 years! But the wash and a brush so I can reach my back did it inside of two weeks. Also, do 10 minutes in a tanning booth. That always does wonders for me.
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