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Banning transgender athletes from competing against the other sex

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Her actual vertical was maybe 10-11 inches. Maybe. She was tall, and learned basketball, doesn’t mean she was athletic.

She also couldn’t palm the basketball, which makes it harder somewhat.
Nicely said. I always say that I don’t care if you fuck a goat in your backyard (so long as the goat consents!). That’s your business, and whatever floats your boat and makes you a happy and nice person is a good thing. I’ve always been drawn to the fundamentally American notion of everyone having the maximum amount of freedom that is consistent with everyone else having the same amount of freedom. “An agreeable form of anarchy,” a wise philosopher once termed it.
I too have been reading about this lately and not only do I think it’s not fair to women in professional sports but I also think it’s unfair to women trying to get scholarships to schools. You bust your ass just to lose out on a scholarship to a trans? Not only is that messing with your standing in the sport but also your life. Many people play sports to help them get into good colleges. Take that away and now you may have to go to a college that fits your financial situation more than it fits your career aspirations. All because we can’t hurt someone’s feelings? Where did this mentality come from? I honestly weep for our future.
This has been happening for a minute now, with the good ol’ enlightened northeast leading the pack. Connecticut has been damning their natural female track stars and allowing new state records on the regular. But we don’t live on Earth anymore, we live where ever we choose to believe…which is apparently dream land.

Google ‘Connecticut transgender track’ for a good head shake.
The advantageous physical effects of being born male begin in utero. And it continues on even before puberty has had a chance to set in. Even if they start transitioning at 12 they’ve still had 12 years head start on a woman. Although, the blurring of gender roles and increase in couch potatoes may make this a less noticeable, in recent years.
At ugmuscle you can’t hurt people’s feelings we say no bashing. It needs to be a rule nowadays because of all the trolls in this world but this situation is about what you’re saying woman’s sports can really be effected by this negatively
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