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Banning transgender athletes from competing against the other sex

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Oh my god common that’s the number one example of why this doesn’t work.
Mic drop they were right broken skull where was the referee?
Maybe transgender should just have their own division. It’s the only fair way. If your a chick with a dick fight in men’s or a transgender division. You don’t see any girls that wanna be guys asking to compete against guys.
I dont get how its fair. I read about a female biker that said she wouldnt compete since the transgender smoked them all, but when she was a he wasnt winning races.
Combat sports aside… men’s sports are more competitive, meaning the men’s division is typically faster/stronger/bigger than the female division. If a woman, trans or not, is able to compete in the men’s division, if it were my decision, I would absolutely allow it! I can’t see allowing a male to compete alongside females for any reason!
None of this should be surprising when the left gets in control. Biden picked Rachel Levine as health secretary and she was on the senate floor rejecting that trans shouldn’t compete in sports with one another. Biden has chosen others in high position with the same opinions and look how many people voted for Biden. This is the world we live in now thanks to the majority of Americans.
My two cents. In my state there is no girls wrestling so they wrestle the boys. I’m ok with this because they compete at the same weight class and they are competivive. Things like track and field would be different. The Ncaa lowered the acceptable test level for trans athletes from 10 nmol/L (288 ng/dl) to 5 nmol/L back in 2019. This makes them closer to young woman levels and slightly less advantageous. An average woman’s test is under a 100 ng/ dl. People who don’t think trans athletes don’t have an advantage should google how many of them have broken records.
Tbf I have a lot of trans/lgbtq friends and it’s definitely a very touchy subject. I tend to be fairly liberal with my thoughts politically but agree that in athletic competition biological men and women should compete in their sex at birth.

I mean we can all agree that higher test is advantageous in athletic competition period. So unless they’re regularly testing levels on athletes (regardless of cis vs trans) then I think no matter what you do people are gonna be unhappy with the outcome.

I also don’t think that making a unisex league fixes the problem either, because essentially you’ll trend toward it being a men’s league, with the biological women gradually being pushed out of competition.

Having a trans only league is also problematic just because there isn’t enough trans athletes to justify it working. Also do you make trans male and trans female league (rhetorical questions)? Then you’re further decreasing the talent pool at the risk of further alienating the trans athletes.

Ultimately, I think whatever it is they decide to do people are gonna be unhappy with the outcome.

@Bigmurph following this thread I don’t think that you’re being crazy or bigoted at all. If anything I think the modern culture has weaponizes certain terms to essentially mean if you don’t agree with me than you’re obviously prejudiced.
Here’s my comedic comment on all that.

Unless you chop the pole or fill the hole… you’re just someone looking for attention and trying to pick a fight… much like that lily white woman that claimed she was black.

“Ohhhhhh. I’ve been discriminated against because I’m transgender”…noooo actually you’re just some feminine cross dressing dude with man junk. Blahahaha

You can’t make any of this stuff up. Blahahaha
That’s why we have men’s and women’s sports but these damn politicians have to appease everyone. Even the best WNBA player would get destroyed in the NBA
JLee said:
In my state there is no girls wrestling so they wrestle the boys.
Why wouldn’t they organize girls wrestling? Besides that though this is the model that kinda fits is that they all play together or separate I agree.
futureICUdoc said:
@Bigmurph following this thread I don’t think that you’re being crazy or bigoted at all.
Thanks brother im honestly just curious about the situation if its a legit beef or if its political or just something for money. I don’t have anyone to ask so I figured I would ask here see if anyone could give me the answers. I got alot of good information out of this I understand now about the test level limits and that there already actually have boys and girls competing together at high school level. I learned even more than this so this thread was definitely positive.
Honestly brother its different were im at the people here are all very open. So its definitely legit that there are transgender citizens.
This surprised me because it isn’t an issue in my area so I didn’t understand why it was an issue elsewhere.

There are definitely exceptions that are problems in every type of community
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I don’t think they have quite the numbers yet to have their own league. Lower weight classes have quite a few kids but are scarce in the upper weights (135# and up). They would have a hard time making complete roster.
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