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Tokyo Olympics first Transgender Powerlifter

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Haha mess talking to somebody and they believed that pEDS ruin integrity of sports. I told them caffiene is a ped nobody cares if it’s used. If we had tested nfl and non tested nfl nobody is watching tested but people who are tested athletes. Look at body building and powerlifting can anybody name the top natural athletes in those completions
This would be like if Janae “Matt” Kroczaleski decided to compete in either women’s BB or Women’s Powerlifting. It’s one thing if the guy wants to be a woman, more power to he/she, but to compete against natural born women isn’t fair. I imagine eventually there will be a trans gender class in all sports.
squatter said:
Hubard can have 10 nmol/L level of testosterone while the average biological female has 1.2-2 nmol/L. 100% unfair not even considering changes due to puberty.
This is there rules?

If so its completely bullshit and she should be banned for doping wtf

Its not huge but she is still doping if she doesn’t have female hormone levels

I was all for this yesterday but with that being the rules its bullshit let her compete if she wants but banned from winning any medals due to doping.

That’s like me saying yeah I have low testosterone so im on trt and I want to compete in tested bodybuilder competitions. Since I have low t I should be able to compete because it was given to me by a doctor. No fucking way would that be allowed SMH
You just have to be below 10 for a year then your edible for female. If they reduce the number to 3 or 5 i believe it would be better. Although transgender should have there own category like paraolympics.

10nmol/L= about 300ng/dl

While the average female has a level of 15-70 ng/dl according to google.
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I agree that there own Olympics is going to be needed because rules like this aren’t going to work.
Any other athlete who uses the compounds she uses would be banned for doping especially since the runner with the nandrolone is still banned after passing a hair test.

Its not fair and the whole reason for anti doping is for it to be fair smh makes no sense its all for the optics
squatter said:
10nmol/L= about 300ng/dl

While the average female has a level of 15-70 ng/dl according to google.
That’s so far apart that’s like me competing with my low testosterone against women that wouldn’t be allowed
Caitlin Jennar even thinks it is BS. This is a quote from an interview on CNN
“This is a question of fairness. That’s why I oppose biological boys who are trans competing in girls’ sports in school,” said Jenner, a Republican who is one of the most high-profile transgender Americans in public life. “It just isn’t fair. And we have to protect girls’ sports in our schools.”
I believe its because there’s no good argument and they don’t want to argue for something that they will lose on I believe even they know its not ok
Hahaha that’s never stopped those fringe groups that hate on everyone that doesn’t align perfectly with their beliefs.
So another interesting development. Piers Morgan, out of everyone, came out defending women, and speaking out against transgender males to females in women’s sports describing it as a completely unfair advantage. He didn’t beat around the bush, and was straight up with his views. Crazy stuff.
I believe that alot of people will take this opinion now because Katlyn Jenner took that opinion and that kinda gave permission for others to say it which is Fing bs but that’s the kind of world we live in now.
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