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Banning transgender athletes from competing against the other sex

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I understand all of this, unless women can command fans as males do, then they should get equal pay. I am with Bigmurph on this one. The women’s soccer team did earned more and it was not on the coat tails of men’s soccer. It was the hype they brought to the sport by beating everyone in site. If they built the fan base then they should get paid equally. Cause the owners of the teams are the one’s running to the bank.
They should definitely get a big ass bonus for Gold. They also need to fire whoever is in charge of promoting the team and there achievements.
I agree but I still don’t know about this whole trans community wanting this to happen.
The people I know that are trans aren’t looking to compete in sports so I don’t really have anyone to ask
I’m thinking there are a lot of trannys that haven’t had THE operation yet. I find that interesting… a dude gets fake boobs…dresses like a woman… does his hair like a woman but still has a johnson and cod sack… but wants to be treated like a woman and compete against women.

Now once he gets his junk lopped off…different story depending on t levels.
In non World Cup years the men bring in more money easily and if the men would have made the damn Thing the last go round fifa would have paid out just about the same for qualifying as the women get for winning. Also I believe woman get paid no matter what but the men’s team players actually have to suit up for games to get paid cause they aren’t salary it’s just bonus pay. Look at the stands in non work cup years for men’s games to woman’s and yell they should get equal pay. There is a reason they only bring it up after winning. But they should win woman sports in America is light years ahead of so many other countries.
I just believe that competition should be left out of this I don’t believe that it should be changed unless someone trans can please explain why you would want to compete in this manner.
Its just not right its either everyone plays together or separate you can’t have exceptions.
I agree that I can’t even think of another example so yes men sports bring in more revenue they get paid more makes sense I just bring up that situation because it was the only one I know but im not trying to open that can of worms.

Im trying to open up another can of worms on women born men competing against men and men born women competing against women that’s the crazy im asking about
First I agree, a man cannot compete against a women unless,
1-They show that they have been receiving hormones for a min of 12 consecutive months.
2- they demonstrate that they have begun the physical process of completing the transition. Verified by independent medical personnel.
3- they submit to a hormone test to show there testosterone levels are that of a women of the same age.
I do not support the practice of allowing men to compete against women at all but I think following those steps is a fair way to tell someone yes or no.
Just my 2 cents
Interesting outlook I guess on paper they show there a female. Through hormones I don’t know because even estrogen is muscle building so im not sure if it would ever really get to the point of fair but I do agree that’s an excellent way to look at the situation and helps me actually kinda answer my original question
To your original point Murph, I’m think you should be whoever you want to be, fuck whoever you want amd marry whoever you want, that’s none of my business. As long as it’s legal amd doesn’t effect me I’m good. Competing is a whole other story. Just like I don’t compete against natural athlete because it’s not fair. Same rules
If they have gone th rough puberty things have happened that have caused an advantage even if castrated
The only physiological advantage is bone density everything else reverts post “change”
In this fucking lib tard world we live in this is at least a start. You know the politicians will say yes not to risk offending anyone
Kad1 said:
I’m think you should be whoever you want to be, fuck whoever you want amd marry whoever you want, that’s none of my business.
Im the same way I got my own crazy lifestyle going on so im not worried about there’s let them be I just don’t know if this is propaganda or something real. I know 2 tragender people neither is into any sport or competition so I couldn’t figure out why or how it would be allowed but you have a great point about the paperwork showing the medical transformation.
I believe that this if true is honestly a good way to look at it but im still stuck on what bear said about the MMA fight and rusty said about the wrestling.
I figured just let them play together but didn’t think about wrestling and mma. I was thinking basketball baseball high-school sports but wrestling and football is borderline.
Im really torn on if its a legit beef that there community has or just click bait
Yeah the MMA thing was disturbing. I don’t think there was any sort of criteria to be met for that like hormone levels etc. I think this guy just said I want to be women and boom! Again I’m totally against it but you know these fucking libs are all over
It so this is at least a start
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