Benching bitchin

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So i will just start this w ive never ever been able to bench worth a damn. I can build a nice chest though. I max at 200 and do sets at 175… . Impressive right lol but ive been stuck here for almost 3 months wtf? I do chest 2 or 3 times a week and cannot climb im using anadrol and got up 10 lbs. Btw i weigh now 225 bulking
If some of you big mfrs know any tips im all ears and thanks
So much to go over with this. Need to know so many specifics as to what your workouts are, weak points when lifting, spotters or by yourself, etc. I was hitting 3 plates at a young age but I had great workout partners that always pushed me. Its really hard to say for sure without watching you lift and see where you’re struggling. Doing negatives can help, focus on joints. Really need to know more to see what your hold back is.
I will definitely check it out!
See i quit for 8 months and went all the way back to 135 and was flying back up then just bam locked out. This time im doing better at working my whole body so it may just be taking longer.
I feel like i kill tris and lats tho
But somthings missing out
Give this a watch. One reason I say its hard to know exactly without seeing you lift. What you think maybe happening maybe different then someone else sees.

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