Bicep pump hurts!……………

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Why do my bicep pumps hurt so bad? Lately I’ve been getting insanely good pumps but they end up hurting so bad by the end of the lift session then go away after an hour 😂

@Xpliot beings you’re hitting it hard first thing in am… are you getting in some liquids upon waking?

I personally get in 16.9 ozs of water in the first 10 minutes and another 16.9 ozs within the hour after that. Rehydrate after sleeping.
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Yeah I’m getting 20oz waking up with some c4 and I drink plenty of water and add a few packets of these electrolyte squinchers they give us
Xpliot said:
electrolyte squinchers they give us
Be careful, too much of one flavor of squencher will turn your movements that color! A few years back we paid a helper to bang a line of Blue Squencher about the same amount as an 8 ball… he had blue tears and boogers for a week
Holy fuck lmao and yeah I try not to drink em cus ei don’t think there good for you. I was gonna make a post and see if anyone could tell me
As far as your bicep pumps, could be a multitude of things from hydration to the C4 to what ever else you’re taking… when I take certain things, like anadrol or dbol, the pumps are almost unbearable…
I’ve read that staves off heart attacks… thins the blood out first thing.

I’m smack dab in the middle of the heart attack stroke zone so I’m taking every precaution.
I was going to also say dehydration. I’d get some Pedialyte. Our growing muscles need a lot of water bro even though we are drinking a lot,it mightt not be enough.
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Get some liquid IV. Great to mix with water during workout. Or after. (I prefer after) no leg cramps, muscle cramps or issues from dehydration. Remember. There’s a thin line to proper hydration and leeching. Too much water alone is not a good thing. 😒
Im with you on this i cant take any of the powdered pre workouts anymore aside from one amino acid one that only has like 100mg caffeine. C4 is pure rocket fuel lol may be dehydrating you a bit @Xpliot and leading to some painful pumps
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